XTRA NOT IN THE NEWSPAPER Cedar Mountain Moonshine at Studio276 will be hosting the Music + Moonshine Friday Night Summer Music Series starting May 27 through September 2 from 6-8 PM. Enjoy local music while partaking in free tastings in the new indoor tasting room/art gallery/gift shop!
Follow the smells! Tin Roof Pizza Truck and Velvet Cup will be serving deliciousness during our Friday events!
Bring your own chair! If you’re bringing to-go or snacks please support our local businesses in Cedar Mtn. No coolers or outside alcohol please - beer & wine are available in the tasting room. Family-friendly + dogs welcome but must play well with others :)
SCHOOL’S (almost) OUT
Transylvania county students' last full day of school is Thursday, May 26th, and Friday is a half day.
The Cedar Mountain Fire Rescue Department Auxiliary will be serving their popular and tasty BBQ on Saturday May 28th from 11 am until 2 pm. Come early before the BBQ runs out. It has happened. The suggested donation is $12.00 per plate or $15.00 per carton. Eat inside or take out. Thank you for your participation.
We want you to see what your previous donations have meant, so far, for the fire department and the community. We hope to have extrication equipment, paid for by your donations, on display. Saturday’s donations will go toward additional needed equipment.
Rocky Hill Baptist Church will not be open this Sunday, May 29th, but will instead hold morning worship service just up the road at Faith Chapel. This Memorial Day Sunday Faith Memorial Chapel opens for the 2022 season, and as tradition has it, Rocky Hill Baptist Church will do the opening service, with the pastor of Rocky Hill, Dr. Leland Holland, bringing the message. The Rocky Hill choir, lead by Lenoir Bishop, will perform a special program. Accompanying the congregation will be Suzanne Lawson on the organ.
This Sunday, Faith Memorial Chapel welcomes The Rev. Dr. Leland Holland. Dr. Holland serves as Pastor at Rocky Hill Baptist Church in Cedar Mountain, NC. The Rocky Hill Baptist Church Choir will provide wonderful music.
Faith Memorial Chapel welcomes folks of all denominations to our services which are held on Sundays at 11:00 AM. We meet only in the summer and have no membership roll, so you won’t feel like a guest. Each Sunday, we have clergy from different churches that visit us to lead the service and we are blessed to also have great music to accompany the great message!
Coming up June 12th will be the Rev Lathrop Mosley of St. James Episcopal Church, with Marty Ray and Celeste Carneal providing music.
Program - Cedar Mountain, NC: A History of the Village and the Turnpike
Charles Burden, Doug Pace, and Patty Stahl are scheduled to speak on Thursday, June 2, 2022, from 6:30 - 7:30 at the Rogow Room of the Transylvania County Library.

Come and join us in the “Good Old Summertime” on Saturday, June 4 at 2:30 at the 150-year-old McGaha Chapel in Cedar Mountain, NC. We will be “Coming around the Mountain” and gathering to sing at “The Church in the Wildwood” on Hwy 276. Watermelon will be served on the grounds after forty-five minutes of singing and a brief historical introduction. A shuttle service to the Chapel will be available, beginning at 1:30 pm, at the Robin Hood Center in Sherwood Forest, across Hwy 276 from the Chapel. This event is sponsored by the Transylvania Historical Society and members of the Sherwood Forest and Cedar Mountain communities.
In the Sylvan Valley News of April 1902, Totsy, the Loftis Locals columnist reported,
“Providence permitting, Rev. M. A. West will preach at Little River Chapel next Sunday at 11 o’clock a.m.” Loftis was the name of the community surrounding the McGaha Chapel in 1902 and the Chapel was often referred to as the Little River Chapel in the Loftis Locals column. Loftis had its own post office from 1892 – to 1907. The Post Office was in the Loftis home and drovers’ station, just across Hwy 276 from today’s entrance to Sherwood Forest. Preachers usually made the rounds of small mountain churches and led the services once a month at each church. Please come and sing with us in this beautiful old mountain chapel.
The next blood drive at the Cedar Mountain FRD will be June 18th from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm. It is recommended that you make an appointment with the Red Cross now. Make your appointment at https://www.redcrossblood.org/give.html/donation-time.
Sherwood Forest Ladies' League results for May 16 and 23: On May 16 the weather was beautiful for the nine women who played the front nine. The game was closest to the pin on number 6. Winner: Carol Mitchell. Low net winner: Ida Smith. Play got rained out on Monday, May 23. The long-range forecast for May 30 is sunny and warm so join us in playing the back nine. Register at 8:30 at the clubhouse. Shotgun start at 9 a.m.
CHRISTINE’S CORNER by Christine Pace
The benefit yard sale for the “Center for Women” was a big success. I helped with set-up at the community center last Friday and arrived by 7:00 am Saturday to help when the sale began. Many thanks to all who donated quality items for this fundraiser! And a huge “thank you” to Candy Gray for running the show; to Suzanne Lawson for delivering the goods; to Sheila & Deb & Cassie and all others who stepped in to help! Many thanks to all the shoppers as well.
Rosemary Carter is fostering 2 litters of kittens, so if you or someone you know has room in their heart & home for one of these cuties let me know, and I’ll pass the word: (Christine) 885-2103.
I’ll be teaching two classes in early June in Cherokee, NC. The classes are for sculpting on gourds, using the 2-part epoxy clay “Quikwood”. I’m teaching the same classes here in Cedar Mountain the 2nd week in August, and again in Raleigh, NC in early November.
This week an AKC sanctioned Dog Show is being held at the WNC Ag Center in Fletcher (across from the Asheville Airport). I’ll report on local contestants in next week’s Cedar Mountain News column.
Also in next week’s column, I’ll list the June birthdays & anniversaries. If you want yours mentioned please email your information to chris_p_artist@yahoo.com. Thank you!
AROUND THE HOUSE by Linda Packer Young
If you happen to come to the BBQ on the 28th you will see that my honey misbehaved and I had to “correct” him. He has quite the "shiner". Actually, he had a lesion removed under his left eye and looks like he has been in a fight that he lost most profoundly. All is well though.
Thank you for reading the Cedar Mountain News. We are here to make sure you know what is going on in the neighborhood and elsewhere in the area. Please send all photos and/or news to cedarmountainnews@gmail.com. Photos need to be close to 900 kb or better.