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The Cedar Mountain Fire Rescue Dept and Auxiliary joined together to put on a fabulous Memorial Day Fundraiser Event.  A light rain did not keep hungry BBQ lovers away and we were overwhelmed and pleased at the turnout for this fundraiser. Over 270 BBQ meals served was a new record.  Bless each and every one of you who contributed to our success. All profits go to benefit the Cedar Mountain Fire Department.  Pic



Save the date! Come to the 100-Year-Old Songs Summer Sing-along to welcome the summer season. Sing the songs your grandparents sang long ago, including lots of “rounds.” Our annual summer event is held at the Historic McGaha Chapel (1872) on Saturday, June 1 at 2:30 PM.  

The Chapel is located along Highway 276 South at Cedar Mountain, across from Sherwood Forest. Look for the signs for parking at the Sherwood Forest Robin Hood Center. A shuttle service from the Robin Hood Center to the Chapel is provided for those who don’t wish to walk. The shuttle service begins at 1:30. The singing lasts for 45 minutes, then we retreat to a watermelon slicing on the grounds just outside the Chapel. Nothing could be finer, indeed! This event is sponsored by the Transylvania County Historical Society and the Sherwood Forest and Cedar Mountain Communities.

The edition of the Transylvania Times dated July 26, 1934, carries a front-page notice titled “Services Will Be Held at Cedar Mountain Chapel.” The article announces that “The Rev. J. N. Pressly, 89-year-old minister of Skyland, will preach at Little River Methodist Chapel near Cedar Mountain next Sunday morning at 11 o’clock. The Rev. Mr. Pressly organized the Methodist chapel in 1870, this being one of his first charges, and he is issuing an invitation to the general public and especially to his older friends to attend the service Sunday morning.”

The Little River Methodist Chapel mentioned in the article is known today as the McGaha Chapel. Early articles often refer to the Chapel as the Little River Chapel as it is located on the hill across Hwy. 276 from the Little River. It was also called the Dividing Ridge Church. One of the original trustees of the Chapel was F. M. Pressley and whether he and the Reverend were related is unclear.



The Cedar Mountain Rotary Club is one of 33,000 Rotary Clubs worldwide. We are in Rotary District 7670 just south of Brevard, NC. We are a satellite club of the Rotary Club of Pisgah Forest.  Their next meeting in Cedar Mountain is June 3rd at 5:30 p.m. at the Cedar Mountain Community Center.



              Cedar Mountain Fire Rescue Dept on Friday night June 7th.   There will be a variety of prizes.  Doors open at 6:30pm and bingo is from 7:00pm-8:00pm.  Snacks will be available ($). Bingo Cards are $3 per card and per game.  Cash Only!



On Wednesday, June 12th from 11 am to 1 pm there will be a meeting at the Cedar Mountain Community Center in regard to a plan that is being developed by the Transylvania Board of Commissioners called Transylvania County 2050.  Community meetings will be held to help access the priorities of residents in its development.  The Planning Department is seeking feedback on issues such as housing, education, jobs, transportation and other areas of interest to residents.



Please join us on Wednesday, June 26th at 2 pm for our Fireside chat.  A program about the History of the Cedar Mountain Curb Market, Family Farms, and the Home Demonstration Club will be presented by Beth Owings and Patty Stahl.  They plan to serve baked goods made from recipes of the ladies at the Curb Market and show photos of the Market, family farms, and Home Demonstration activities.



We got rained out of golf on May 27 so we are hoping for a beautiful day on June 3. Please be at the course by 8:30 a.m. for our 9 a.m. start. If you're running late, call the clubhouse at 828-884-7825 to let us know you're on your way. Also, if rain threatens, watch for emails from Sue Wojcik or another board member about whether the course is open (or call the clubhouse). Follow us on Facebook (Sherwood Ladies Golf) to see photos and more information about our league.


AROUND THE HOUSE by Linda Packer Young

I have finally been able to get out in the yard and do some weeding especially in my mossary.  I pull the weeds individually so as not to disturb the moss.  What I cleared is beautiful, but I have a lot more to do.  I am also attempting to finish refinishing a vintage cigar humidor stand for my daughter.  I have it stripped.  It just needs “varnish”. We are headed to Illinois and Wisconsin in July so I want to be able to get it back to her then.


NOTE: All news must be sent to  Photos need to be high resolution to ensure printability.  900 kb s or more is recommended.  The deadline for the CM News is Monday evening or early Tuesday morning unless otherwise notified.  Your news and announcements are most welcome.


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