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Cedar Mountain News for Thursday, October 1


The Cedar Mountain Fire Rescue Auxiliary is having a Baked Spaghetti Supper drive-through fundraiser at the Cedar Mountain Community Center Saturday, October 10th from 5 pm to 7 pm. The menu will be baked spaghetti, salad, bread, and a cookie. The suggested donation is $10.

It was necessary to do the drive-through at the community center so as not to block any doors at the fire station.


The 2021 calendars are for sale at Whistlestop, Creekside, the Cedar Mountain Cafe, and the Hiker and the Hound for a donation of $15. Stop in and get yours now before they run out.

The Cedar Mountain History 2021 calendars will also be available for purchase at the Spaghetti Supper drive-through on October 10th.


The proceeds of the Spaghetti drive-through will go toward the purchase of a LUCAS Chest Compression System for the Cedar Mountain Fire-Rescue Dept. This device delivers high-quality chest compressions for extended periods of time. The device will be used to help save those who suffer a heart attack known as a Code Blue. When a heart attack occurs in a remote location it is nearly impossible to perform adequate CPR while a person is being carried over a trail. This device will give consistent compressions under any conditions and increase the chance of survival.

We will have one of these devices available for viewing at the drive-through. The Lucas device costs about $15,000 so any donation you would like to make toward its purchase would be welcomed.


Upcoming blood drives will be on October 17th. There will also be a blood drive on December 19th. Blood drives are held between 8:30a and 12:30p at the Cedar Mountains Fire Dept. Those whose lives have been saved by your donations thank you.


A full week of free food from Transylvania School Nutrition Services is available for pick up on Fridays from 11 am – 3 pm at all Transylvania Schools cafeteria sites for children 18 and under. Davison River students will pick up at Pisgah Elementary. Each food bundle will contain 5 days of breakfast and lunch items along with a hot meal. If Friday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. is not convenient for your family, visit for a list of locations and contact information. You may also email for further assistance. TCS School Nutrition Services is also on Facebook


League results for Sept. 28: Nineteen players competed on the back nine using the Stableford scoring method. Winner: Peggy Baldwin with 15. Low net: Pat Dearbaugh with 24. Low gross: Peggy Baldwin with 34.


If you have an event or meeting scheduled or need to schedule one, please check with Caroline Chambers regarding reservations. Her number is 828-290-9662 or you can email us at Come see our beautiful new pavilion with picnic tables for your enjoyment. It’s a great spot to sit and watch Tennis, basketball or Pickleball players on the sports court as well.

CHRISTINE’S CORNER by Christine Pace



Anyone who has spent time looking up historical facts upstairs at the Transylvania County Library has met the helpful Marcy Thompson. She knows where everything is that you're looking for! After 26 years Marcy is retiring, on Friday, October 30th. Everyone is invited to bring a card or note to let her know what a difference she has made in our community and to you in your search for hidden memories. A basket is located on the main floor near the Circulation Desk. Congratulations Marcy!

The local History Room is available for use by appointment only. To visit the references available upstairs in the history room, or to see Marcy Thompson, please call the library at (828)884-3151 and select number 5 when prompted.


The annual "Friends of the Library" Fall Book Sale has been canceled for this year due to the coronavirus. Book donations are still being accepted at the outside door to the Rogow Room on Mondays & Thursdays between 10:00 am - 2:00 pm. Some books will be offered for sale online while others will await an anticipated grand book sale in October 2021.


You are invited to sign up for weekly emails listing materials most recently added, such as books, movies, music, etc. Call the library at the above number or visit them on the web at

I have used the new "N. C. Cardinal" program to order books to be sent to the Transylvania County Library from other N. C, Libraries. It’s great! They call me when my requested books come in, which has broadened my reading considerably. And, well, I happen to be doing a lot of reading during this epidemic.

The computers are available again inside the library with a 30-minute time limit. Chairs and computers are spaced accordingly. What a pleasure it is though whenever I need a copy made (black & white or colored) or something scanned that I need to send elsewhere; it’s simple and fast to do this at our wonderful Library in Brevard.



Katie Baines almost shares her birthday with her mother; Katie's birthday was October 1st and her mother Renee Baines celebrates today, October 2nd. Also celebrating today is Bud Bishop.

Tomorrow, Oct. 3rd, Christian Girolamo grows a year older, and on the 6th we celebrate Regina (Pace) Bouye's birthday.

Three celebrate their birthdays on October 8th: Mary Bishop, Jacob Smith, and Clyde Stahl.

Jeff Smith grows another year older on October 18th, and little Aster Davies will celebrate her birthday on the 26th. Happy Birthday to all!


On October 1st, Joe & Judy Barksdale celebrated yet another year of wedded bliss. Don & Jeanne Hayes will celebrate on Oct. 5th, followed by Bruce & Elizabeth Fortner on the 9th.

Robert & Suzanne Lawson continue to play beautiful music together as they celebrate their wedding day again on October 23rd. Randy & Elisa Pace will celebrate their anniversary on October 25th, while Odell & Antje Owen celebrate the very next day, October 26th. Congratulations and Best Wishes to all!

Did I miss your October celebration? Please let me know at (Christine Pace).


I don’t know about you but I am getting weary of the restrictions that this pandemic has made necessary. Tired of my own cooking I have dined-in a few times now. The places I have been to are sticking to the protocols which are comforting and a change of pace from the 1 dish meals I fix for myself.

I hope I haven’t jinxed the weather. I purchased a pair of snow boots on Amazon Smile. I have to have them to scoop my way to my car after a snowfall. The ones I brought with me from up “Nawth” had disintegrated.


For those who buy from Amazon, please use Amazon Smile. When you designate your favorite charity Amazon will donate a percentage to that charity in your behalf at no extra cost for you. For details

Thank you for reading the Cedar Mountain News. Your contributions and comments are encouraged and welcome. We’d like to hear what’s going on if you would like to share. Photos are welcome as well.

Please email your news or any questions to by Monday evening


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