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Our next meeting and potluck is Monday, October 9th. Board member Doug Meyer will give a PowerPoint presentation that will cover electrical energy in general and concentrate on solar home, power, and backup systems. He will also cover electric car operation and charging systems.

Please bring a dish to share and put it on the serving table by 6:15 p.m. The serving line starts at 6:30 p.m. All are welcome.


Blood donations are needed for patients requiring surgery, receiving cancer treatments, experiencing traumatic blood loss, and those who have severe burns. The Cedar Mountain Fire Rescue/ Auxiliary holds regularly scheduled blood drives and they are given donation goals by the Red Cross.

The CMFR Auxiliary’s next blood drive is scheduled for Saturday October 21st in the CMFR training room at the Cedar Mountain Fire dept. from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Please mark your calendars and register early at the Red Cross website.


Monday was the last day of the 2023 season for the Sherwood Forest Ladies Golf League. It was a perfect fall day for golf. We had two tournaments going on - the club championship on the front nine and the three-club tourney on the back nine. Fourteen women played in the three-club tourney, and the winner was Roz Banks. Four women played the front for the league championship. They were Peggy Baldwin, defending champ, Karen Gleasman, Georgia Osterc and Nancy Waclawek. The winner and 2023 champion: Nancy Waclawek. Afterwards, everyone adjourned to the Cedar Mountain Outpost for lunch and the awarding of prizes through the season: games won, low net, most birdies, most eagles, most chip ins, most improved front nine, most improved back nine and Monday's tourney winners. While that's a wrap for this official league season, it doesn't mean no more golf. We will still play at 10 a.m. through October and then at 11 a.m. November through March (weather permitting and after the frost melts). The 2024 league season will kick off on April 8, 2024. The 2024 slate of golf board members are Sue Wojcik, president; Diane Garvey, vice president; Sandy Gollnick, secretary, and Nancy Waclawek, treasurer. And a recap of results for Sept. 25: The winner of Just Play Golf was Karen Gleasman. Low net: Mary Law. Low gross: Peggy Baldwin. Let's end the season with a joke from Yogi Berra, provided by current secretary Sandy Eidson: Says Yogi: "Ninety percent of the putts that fall short don't go in."

CHRISTINE’S CORNER by Christine Pace Only 81 days until Christmas as of this Thursday! Before that is Halloween, Thanksgiving, and the “3rd annual Cedar Mountain Arts & Crafts Fair” at the Cedar Mountain Community Center; the first Saturday in November: Nov. 4th, 2023.

On September 20th last month I spent the day reflecting on the life my husband Joe Earl Pace lived here on this earth and as a 5th-generation Cedar Mountain resident. His soul left this earth 6 year’s ago on that date. He left his mark here in Cedar Mountain in so many ways; one of the builders of our community center (along with his brother-in-law Ralph Lee and cousins Bobby Jones and Alvin Jones, and more! The year: 1952), a handyman (alongside Alvin Jones) of Rocky Hill Baptist Church where he served as a deacon. Many of the older homes on the back roads of our community have been touched by Joe’s skilled hands. And still, 3 nieces and 2 nephews, some cousins and his “baby brother” Doug Pace still reside here. I miss “my Joe” every day and am thankful for all the years we had together. I only hope I leave some positive memories when I head to Heaven.

In the 1990’s Joe & I used to help Irene May put on 2 Community Flea Markets each year at the Cedar Mountain Community Center. When Irene was gone Joe & I continued doing so, until Linda Young graciously took over! The past couple year’s we’ve enjoyed “purging” our homes once a year, offering our treasures during a fall sale. Last month I headed up the flea market while Linda & husband Richard were traveling across the country in their motorized “infirmary”. Of course I had good help: Candy Gray handled the “donations” table from intake to collecting donations for a huge selection of great items. “The Guys” (local volunteers) came to set up tables for 20 vendors! Clever advertising helped assure a steady stream of shoppers throughout the day. Proceeds from table rentals & sales from the donations tables went back to the community center. It was a big success. And so the question arose at the end of the day: “Will there be 2 flea markets next year?” With the right amount of helpers I see no reason not to start a twice-a-year community flea market again, spring & fall. Please email me if you want this to happen: Or let Linda know. We’ll need to set the dates to reserve our wonderful community center for 2024. And speaking of purging, I have finally begun doing so at my home. A “helper” will assist me a couple times a month until I purge anywhere from 1/4 - 1/3 of excess items, some of which I haven’t touched, worn or used in over a year! My helper is a motivator actually. Knowing she’s coming gets me in the mood to work hard with the reward of seeing definite changes after each session. Most items will be donated to local resale shops; some will go in next year’s Flea Market. Wish me luck!


Are you looking for a venue to host a community event or meeting? Contact Caroline Chambers at 828-290-9662 to schedule. The Cedar Mountain Community Center is the perfect place for residents and visitors to gather, with a variety of events held throughout the year.

NOT AROUND THE HOUSE by Linda Packer Young

We concluded our visit to the Grand Canyon today 10-3. The domed train car ride was very interesting and they made it quite entertaining as well. Musicians and “jokesters” visited all the cars, and at the end there was a train robbery. Outlaws (the Cataract Gang) chased the train on horse back and finally stopped it by putting a cow (blow up cow) or so they said, on the tracks that stopped the train. The robbers then robbed everyone willing to donate a dollar (or more) to the Grand Canyon National Park. It was all in great fun. The train ride was excruciatingly slow, at most 30 mph and much slower in open land (no fences). They can’t risk harming any wildlife. The only wildlife we saw in the park was blackbirds, chipmunks, a couple of lizards and some squirrels.

The visit to the canyon itself was incredible, but a bit of a let down compared to the photos you see. It was grand never-the-less and I even got lightheaded just looking down into the vast canyon.

I have to say that Yosemite is better in the photographs you see as well. Much of what is published is from sites on hiking trails, which we were not for us. It was a 7 mile hike to the bottom of Yosemite falls. We did get some photos from a long distance.

More later.

Note: All news must be sent to Photos need to be high resolution to ensure printability. The deadline for the CM News is Monday evening or early Tuesday morning.


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