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Board of Directors Meeting June 9th at 4pm

CEDAR MOUNTAIN COMMUNITY CENTER NEWS The next community center program will be on Monday, June 13. Please have your covered-dish on the table by 6:15pm. The program will be about the original road that ran from here in Cedar Mountain to Brevard, NC, known then as the "Johnstone Turnpike". This will be one you won't want to miss.

Don’t forget to bring food for “Cans for the Community”.


Both the Cedar Mountain Community Center and Whistlestop Produce are collecting Cans for the Community and a large donation was recently made to Bread of Life. Pet food is also needed along with pantry items such as cereal, sugar & flour. Bottled foods such as ketchup, mayonnaise etc. are also welcomed. Foods slightly past their “sell by” dates are acceptable. Look for the big blue tubs at both sites.


Choker Scramble, back 9 - Team of Joan Gerardi, Diane Hodson, Lynda Camenzind and Vicky Anthony - 59


Let’s sing 50 years of songs that you haven’t sung in a long time. Come honor Gramps and Dad on Father’s Day by singing the songs they taught you those many years ago. Easy, tuneful songs. Songs you don’t even need a songbook for (but we’ll have some on hand just in case). Be at historic (1872) McGaha Chapel in Cedar Mountain at 2 p.m. on Father’s Day, June 19th, for 45 minutes of pure tuneful enjoyment, followed by freshly cut watermelon just outside the Chapel. McGaha Chapel is located on U.S. 276 South, just across from Sherwood Forest. Signs will mark the spot for the Chapel and nearby parking. Shuttle service will be available for those who prefer. Sponsored by the Greater Cedar Mountain Community and the Transylvania County Historical Society. (Questions? Contact Charles Burden, 884-8728)


Anyone who would like to reserve a table at the Cedar Mountain Community Center Flea market Fundraiser Saturday Sept 17 is urged to call Linda Young at 828-877-5407 for details and to reserve tables. As a community service, we will open our doors to those who don’t have the opportunity to have garage sales at home due to location. The community center is offering our building for anyone who would like to bring garage sale items to sell. This also helps recycle items that may otherwise go to the landfill. Call Linda Young at 828-877-5407 for details and to reserve tables. All table rental proceeds benefit the community center. We are limiting the tables to two per participant.


St. Timothy’s United Methodist Church at 1020 Asheville Hwy is sponsoring an antique appraisal on Saturday June 11th from 1-3 pm at the church. Appraisers will be Stan Shelley and Joette Humphrey of Shelly’s Jewelry in Hendersonville and estate specialist Beverly Nash.

Appraisals are $5 each with a limit of 3 items.


Blood Drive Saturday June 23rd at the station.

TALENT ON THE MOUNTAIN We have great talent here and near Cedar Mountain, NC, and will be showing off on Monday July 11th. The monthly community meeting at the Cedar Mountain Community center will eat first, so please bring your covered dish offering by 6:15PM so we can all load up our plates at 6:30pm. Our "Talent Night" program will begin around 7:00pm. All are welcome, and encouraged, to attend. So far we have a soloist, a story teller (her debut`), and a ladies quartet scheduled. Please contact Christine Pace if you will delight us with your talent; or by phone at (828) 885-2103. CONGRATULATIONS

Allen and Nancy Cadora will celebrate anniversary 55 years of wedded bliss on June 11.


Call now to reserve the center while your date is still available. Call Facility Events Coordinator, Deborah Perkins, at 828-885-7878 for information or reservations.


The bookmobile comes to the Cedar Mountain Community Center from 4-6 pm on the 2nd Thursday of every month.


Cedar Mountain Community website is The website has almost everything you need to know about Cedar Mountain - a list of businesses and attractions, a calendar of events for the area and much more.


LAUGHING WITH THE REVEREND Pastor Dan Ray of Greer, SC will be filling in for Dr, Holland at Rocky Hill Baptist church's 11:00am service this Sunday, June 12th. Pastor Ray wrote the book "Laughing With The Reverend" and served as interim pastor at Rocky Hill over two year's prior to calling Dr. Leland Holland as permanent pastor here. All are welcome at Rocky Hill.

CHRISTINE'S BLATHER: The Gourd Gathering at Cherokee, NC was very well-attended again this year, and I learned more on carving, dying and burning a gourd. I was in charge of the make & take gourd ornament "souvenirs" and was kept very busy when not taking one of over 100 class offerings. There were teachers from all over the country, and Canada. This year's pic's will soon be posted to the web site at

We have our own gathering, called the "Mountain Gourd Gathering" the third week in August each year, and this will be our 6th year. Dates are Thursday thru Saturday, August 18th thru 20th, to be held at the Family Life Center on Hwy. 276 (Greenville Hwy). To see class offerings or to register for a class please go to All are welcome to drop in and see what we do.

BAPTISM Joe and Christine Pace announce their 7-year-old grandson Levi Emmanuel Jones, of Matthews, NC, was baptized Sunday June 5th at his dad's church "Living Branch" church, also in Matthews. Levi's parents are Rev. C. Matthew Jones and Daniela Araujo Jones. Congratulations Levi.


This week has been a whirlwind of activity for my friend, Dnita, and I. We used the Transylvania Explorer to plan our entertainment. Although I’ve been there before we both enjoyed the Sound of Silvermont. We especially enjoyed the left handed fiddler who had a prosthetic left arm that he held his bow with. Amazing! We also went to the TC Arts Council for “A Celebration of Waterfalls” exhibit. We have quite a few talented artists and photographers in the area. Be sure to visit and enjoy.

Another adventure on the agenda was scrounging the thrift stores. I didn’t need anything, but still managed to find a couple of treasures. She, on the other hand, needed to ship home a big box of clothes for her grandkids and some other items. I don’t brew coffee (I use instant) but she found a nice coffee pot at Restore for $4.00. She’s leaving it so now I will have one for any subsequent guests.

Our last excursion included short treks to Looking Glass Falls, Connestee Falls and Hooker Falls. Hooker Falls was alive with swimmers, climbers and a couple of fishermen Monday. Some adventurous souls were even sitting underneath behind the waterfall. It looked very refreshing.

When visiting the waterfalls be sure to obey the warning signs. Your life depends on it.

What’s happening with you or in the community? We’d love to hear about it if you would like to share. All news for next week must be received by Monday evening in order to be published in the Thursday edition of the Transylvania Times

Please email with any news or questions.

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