A blood drive will be held at the Cedar Mountain F/R/D 8725 Cascade Lake Road in Cedar Mountain on Saturday, April 13th from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Appointments can be made by calling 828-606-0949 or visit RedCrossBlood.org and enter Sponsor Code “CedarMtn”. Bring your Red Cross card or Photo ID.
4/24/24 2 pm Yvonne Dickson - The Walton War
On April 24th at 2 p.m., Yvonne McCall-Dickson will talk about the Walton War. The Walton War was an 1804 boundary dispute between the U.S. states of North Carolina and Georgia over the twelve-mile-wide strip of land called the Orphan Strip.
5/22/24 2 pm Susan Garrett - Community Centers: worth and history
Cedar Mountain Baptist Church will be having their 2nd annual Wild Game dinner on Saturday, April 27th at 3:00 pm with delicious wild game meats, door prizes, and a silent auction. Please call the church office at 828-966-4812 to register or on our church website.
Forest Management 101
Saturday, April 27th, 2024, 10 am - 2 pm (lunch included)
Community Services Building, 106 E. Morgan Street, Brevard, NC 28712
• Forest Management Resources
• Tax incentives for forest management
• Climate Smart Forestry practices
• Cost-share funding for invasive species control and timber stand opportunities.
Perfect for any landowner who wants to take the next step towards restoring and preserving their family forest!
This workshop is made possible by the USFS Landscape Scale Restoration Grant and in compliance with the Americans with Disability Act. Go To: www.ecoforesters.org/outreach-events, Email: info@ecoforesters.org or call: 828-484-6842. Free property maps with registration
RSVP to hold your spot.
The community is invited to join us on Saturday, May 11, from 1 to 4 pm, for a Hospital & Nurses Week Celebration at the Transylvania Regional Hospital! Enjoy free food, hospital tours, music, and a Teddy Bear Clinic for the kids.
The eclipse Monday was the perfect day to start the Sherwood Ladies League's new golf season. We eclipsed all previous first-day attendance with 27 players, five of them newcomers. Welcome! The game on Monday was a Shamble Scramble on the front nine. The winning team was Linda Garlock, Nanci Zeigler, Susan Ryerson, and Karen Gleasman.
On April 15, we'll be playing the back nine in an individual game in which only scores on the par 3s will count. Tee-off time is 10 a.m. so please arrive at the course by 9:30 so starters can get cards ready. If you're running late, please call the clubhouse at 828-884-7825 to let us know to expect you. It will make the starters' jobs so much easier. Also, remember to bring $1 each week for the game. See you Monday.
CHRISTINE’S CORNER by Christine Pace
Earlier Monday afternoon as I was driving to work I noticed lots of people gathered in small groups around every bend in Brevard. When I pulled into the nursing home where I work, there was a large gathering in front, of residents & staff, all wearing special glasses in order to view what there was of the Eclipse! The radio said earlier that we would get 83% in our viewing area shortly after 3pm; the clouds were blocking some of this though. There may have been more spectators out watching the eclipse on Monday than there were on Saturday as the 24th “Assault on the Carolinas” as bicyclists rode through our area.

I’ve been researching the cost of items needed for the nursing home’s “garden”; I’m asking for your input now, and thank you in advance for any help & suggestions! Here’s what information I’m looking for:
1) A reasonably-priced birdseed that will attract the many songbirds in our area. We have 4 bird feeders but I don’t want to fill them up unless there’s a way I can continue offering food for our feathered friends all year long.
2) Once all the deep-rooted weeds are gone from the area that gets the most sun, what we’re trying to establish as a “rose garden”, I hope to add 2 to 4 rose bushes to the 3 already there. So far my research shows the cost of a rose bush under 2’ tall to be around $25. Is that good? That may limit us to only 2 this year if so. I’m not familiar with the type of soil needed to start new rose plants in, or what “kind” of roses would do best in our zone 7 climate. One rose has a tag still that shows it will be a red color when it blooms. It’s listed as a “double knock-out rose”, and is the tallest of our three. I’ll have to wait to see what color the other 2 are.
3) Mulch; what kind? Does one use different mulch for our False Solomon’s Seal than the roses? They are near each other.
4) Last question: there is a lovely wooden table and two wooden benches on the cement garden walkabout that were probably placed there the year this garden was created, in 1998. They have a “dedication” indented in each piece which I hope to preserve. Yet the wood is old & dry. What sealer should I use on these pieces, and should a light sanding be done before sealing them? Should I use a sealer with a stain?
There’s one photo of this garden that shows just a tiny bit of it. It’s very relaxing, and many residents enjoy each day they’re able to go out and garden, water the plants, or just relax. Thank you for your ideas! Please send them to me, Christine Pace, at chris_p_artist@yahoo.com
NOT AROUND THE HOUSE by Linda Packer Young
The first stop on our trip was Roswell, Ga. We had a very nice visit with my honey’s brother and sister-in-law. We had a great time playing Yahtzee and then went out to eat at the famous Marietta Diner. It is a Greek-run reproduction of a 1950’s dinner. The owner said he had hired trained waiters straight from Greece. They spoke excellent English and were finely polished waiters. Very impressive. The food wasn’t nearly as good as the lunch my sister-in-law, Lenore, made though.
No mishaps on our trip so far but the weather has not been good. We had hoped to see the eclipse but while driving across Louisiana it was totally overcast with intermittent rain. The only indication of the eclipse was a darkening of the sky. We stayed at a campground in Shreveport LA Monday night and it rained so hard that the Infirmary (motorhome) sounded like a tin can in a hailstorm. Lighting hit so close that the resulting thunderclap shook the ground.
We have planned a visit tomorrow with a friend, Butch Hunt, whom I went to school with for 13 years. We graduated from High School together. Later in the day, we meet a lady, Karen B., whom I have had as an online “pen” pal for many years and never met. The two just happened to live close together near Dallas.
To be continued.
NOTE: All news must be sent to cedarmountainnews@gmail.com. Photos need to be high resolution to ensure printability. 900 kb s or more is recommended.
The deadline for the CM News is Monday evening or early Tuesday morning unless otherwise notified. Your news and announcements are most welcome, and we need to see more of it.