By Nancy Waclawek
Sherwood Forest Ladies Golf League
Join us on Monday, April 8, as we start our 2024 golf season. Monday's game is a scramble, and we tee off at 10 a.m. on the front nine. Please be at the clubhouse at least 20 minutes before the shotgun start so that the starters can organize teams and get everyone out on time. Each week, we collect $1 for the game fee, which funds our end-of-season awards in October. League dues are $20, payable to Treasurer Nancy Waclawek (cash preferred). Greens fees are $14 for the nine holes, including the use of a pull cart. Please pay each week inside the clubhouse before the round if you do not have a club membership. After play on Monday, we will gather for our kick-off luncheon at the Cedar Mountain Outpost across the street from the clubhouse. We welcome new members, wherever you live in the county and whatever your skill level. Our season runs through Oct. 14. You can play every Monday or when your schedule allows - no pressure. Contact Sue Wojcik, president of the league, at wojciksue@gmail.com if you have questions. Follow us on our Facebook page. See you Monday morning!
CMCC's first potluck of the season will be Monday, April 8. Connie Meré of the Cradle of Forestry and the Vanderbilt family will give a presentation. Please have dishes to share on the serving tables by 6:15 pm. Everyone is welcome.
4/24/24 2 pm Yvonne Dickson - The Walton War
On April 24th at 2 p.m., Yvonne McCall-Dickson will talk about the Walton War. The Walton War was an 1804 boundary dispute between the U.S. states of North Carolina and Georgia over the twelve-mile-wide strip of land called the Orphan Strip.
5/22/24 2 pm Susan Garrett - Community Centers: worth and history
Please join us on Monday, April 8th for our first potluck of the season. Everyone is welcome. Please have your dish or dessert on the serving tables by 6:15 pm so we can start eating at 6:30 p.m. Our program will start at 7 p.m. The program will be presented by Connie Mere from the Cradle of Forestry and include information about the Vanderbilt Family.
Bart Renner, Extension Agent, Agriculture will speak about woodland botanicals and possibly the Southern Appalachian Mountain Bogs at the next potluck on May 20th.
Forest Management 101
Saturday, April 27th, 2024, 10 am - 2 pm (lunch included)
Community Services Building, 106 E. Morgan Street, Brevard, NC 28712
• Forest Management Resources
• Tax incentives for forest management
• Climate Smart Forestry practices
• Cost-share funding for invasive species control and timber stand opportunities.
Perfect for any landowner who wants to take the next step towards restoring and preserving their family forest!
This workshop is made possible by the USFS Landscape Scale Restoration Grant and in compliance with the Americans with Disability Act. Go To: www.ecoforesters.org/outreach-events, Email: info@ecoforesters.org or call: 828-484-6842. Free property maps with registration
RSVP to hold your spot.
On Friday, April 5th the Cedar Mountain Fire/Rescue Dept will be doing a BINGO fundraiser from 7:00 pm – 8 pm. Doors open at 6:30 pm. Cards are $3.00 each for each game. Cash only. There will be another BINGO on Friday, May 3rd with more games to come.
A blood drive will be held at the Cedar Mountain F/R/D 8725 Cascade Lake Road in Cedar Mountain on Saturday, April 13th from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Appointments can be made by calling 828-606-0949 or visit RedCrossBlood.org and enter Sponsor Code “CedarMtn”. Bring your Red Cross card or Photo ID.
CHRISTINE’S CORNER by Christine Pace
Monday was the last day of Easter spring break for most students of the Transylvania County school district. My grandson Cooper spent several days with me last week, going into my workplace a couple of hours early to get the gardens spruced up before annual flowers are planted at the end of April or early May. A couple of amazing 6th-grade girls started revitalizing these gardens as a school project, which motivated others to help with the cleanup. Cooper(shown here with our good friend Candy Gray) worked well together on Monday so Cooper could get his project finished, which was bagging up the leaves & scruff a resident of this nursing home had raked. Another resident had gathered all the limbs & twigs into a neat pile that Cooper & Candy placed in a big tub. Altogether Cooper has amassed 5 bags of leaves plus the twig-tub for someone to haul off; any volunteers? We hope these get moved by the last week in April as they’re in front of the raised beds the residents of the nursing home will use to plant the annuals in.
The 2 girls working in this garden for their school project have visited a local nursery or two, and so far have received perennial ground covers and a beautiful bird bath. These look great! The girls started a GoFundMe page too, to raise money for items the residents expressed interest in. These include more seating, birdseed for several bird feeders, and plants including rose bushes for our proposed “Rose Garden”, where 3 knockout roses already exist. There are expenses for mulch, fertilizer, etc. to bring this garden, first created in 1998, back to life. Many thanks to these two young girls with such giving hearts! And to my sweet grandson Cooper and our loving friend Candy who pitched in on Cooper’s last day of spring break. Mission accomplished!
If you feel led to donate to the garden rejuvenation which in turn is rejuvenating many residents at this special nursing & rehabilitation facility in Brevard, please email me (Christine Pace): at chris_p_artist@yahoo.com
AROUND THE HOUSE by Linda Packer Young
No around the house this week. We are taking the Infirmary (motor home) to Texas to visit the sights and friends. Kitty kids are all excited.
NOTE: All news must be sent to cedarmountainnews@gmail.com. Photos need to be high resolution to ensure printability. 900kbs or more is recommended.
The deadline for the CM News is Monday evening or early Tuesday morning unless otherwise notified. Your news and announcements are most welcome, and we need to see more of it.