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5/22/24 2 pm Susan Garrett - Community Centers: worth and history



The Cedar Mountain Baptist Church located at 7765 Greenville Hwy will be having its 2nd annual Wild Game dinner on Saturday, April 27th at 3:00 pm.  There will be delicious wild game meats, door prizes, and a silent auction. Please call the church office at 828-966-4812 to register or on our church website. We ask that you call so we can plan how many meals we will need.



Forest Management 101

Saturday, April 27th, 2024, 10 am - 2 pm (lunch included)

Community Services Building, 106 E. Morgan Street, Brevard, NC 28712


This workshop will cover, forest management resources, tax incentives for forest management, Climate-smart forestry practices, cost-share funding for invasive species control, and timber stand opportunities. This is perfect for any landowner who wants to take the next step towards restoring and preserving their family forest!  This workshop is made possible by the USFS Landscape Scale Restoration Grant and in compliance with the Americans with Disability Act.  Go To:, Email: or call: 828-484-6842. Free property maps with registration.  RSVP to hold your spot. 


SEEOFF POTLUCK shared by Doug Poad

Our April Potluck is scheduled for Sunday, April 21st.  Bring your dish at 5:30 pm and we’ll socialize for a bit before eating at 6:00 pm.  Bring your own utensils if you are of a mind to do so – it reduces our contributions to the landfill.  Our program speaker after dinner will be Mr. Robert Ruffner, owner of Indoor Environmental Specialists, LLC.  Mr. Ruffner is a certified mold expert/remediator. Since we live in a temperate rainforest, mold is a risk for all of us.  He’ll also be in a position to advise us on options for the floor of our community center.


Many thanks to the folks who came out to pick up the accumulated litter on our roads.  They look so much better.


You may have noticed that the potholes at the bottom of Becky Mountain Road have been patched… I don’t know if anyone else reported them earlier, but I did yesterday at 8:30 am.  If mine was the first report, I’d say that is pretty prompt attention to them… once reported.  A reminder that you can report potholes or other road problems at  It is much more effective if you emphasize whatever safety concerns they pose.


Hope to see you on Sunday for our Potluck.  Remember that you get so much more than good food at our potlucks… you get to meet your neighbors and friends and enjoy those connections.  These are the people that will:  help pull you out of a ditch, if necessary, help look for your lost pets, loan you tools and even help use them, and so much more… That’s what community means.



Sherwood Forest Friends invites you to find out everything you ever wanted to know about chimney swifts.  Winkie Clark will offer a presentation about these fascinating birds on Saturday, April 20. Gather at 10 a.m. in the Robin Hood Barn.  The talk will be followed by the dedication of a new, third (!) swift tower. Shared by Susan Wilkinson



League results for April 15.  Twenty-four women showed up to play the back nine on a warm and sunny Monday morning. The game was "Par 3 scores." Winner: Gloria Clouse. Low net: Kathy Harris. Low gross: Sandy Gollnick. Next week we play the front nine in a game called "Two Best Balls." Remember to get to the course 30 minutes before tee time - that means by 9:30 a.m. If you're running late, call the clubhouse to let us know to expect you. Phone number is 828-884-7825. We welcome players of all skill sets, so whether you're a beginner or an experienced player, come join us. For more information about our league, contact Sue Wojcik at And follow us on Facebook (Sherwood Ladies Golf).  

Shared by Nancy Waclawek




As our Linda Packer Young is asking for news submissions to be sent to her by Mondays, I’m sending her “my little bit” this week; on Tax Day and the last day to file an extension to give one until mid-October.


I had mine prepared in early February by our wonderful volunteers through AARP in Brevard.  When I picked my returns up days later and saw that I didn’t “owe”, that was my Tax Relief.



My church, Rocky Hill Baptist, just 3/10 miles past the Cedar Mountain Fire Department, is without a pianist and choir leader.  If you’re interested in filling this (paid) position please contact Rocky Hill’s pastor, Dr. Leland Holland, at (828)862-5611.  Thank you!


PLANT APP.  I was recently shown a plant identification app on my iPhone that is free!  It is much needed too, as I’m trying to identify several plants in the garden of the nursing home where I work.  It’s called “Seek” and has a green background with a leaf shape imprinted on it.  It works great!  It also identifies insects and animals.


For fun I scanned all 3 of my pooches one at a time using the Seek app, and came up with two identified as “canine”, and one (my very-fluffy Pomeranian) identified as a “mammal”. 


The garden where I work has several flowering perennials and, except for those that have already bloomed, like the Daffodils and Solomon's Seal and Lenten Rose, it’s a wait-and-see to see what colors there will be!  However, I did find out that the many mounds of cascading greenery won’t shoot up any stems or flowers as they’re grasses; Mondo grass and very attractive just as they are.



This year’s “awakening” of Cedar Mountain is happening quickly.  The first community meal & meeting was held earlier this month at the Cedar Mountain Community Center.  Our roads are filled with visitors coming here to enjoy various activities offered in the DuPont State Recreational Forest, followed by a visit to our cafes, shops, and other attractions.


The grass is greening up and early-flowering trees are showing ahead of the full leaf color that will follow on the deciduous trees.  I love this time of year!


NOT AROUND THE HOUSE by Linda Packer Young

Our visit to Texas has turned out to be quite the adventure.  Due to potential parking issues we took a bus from our KOA campground to downtown San Antonio to experience the famous River Walk along the San Antonio River. When we got off the bus we had no idea how to get to the river walk.  Thank goodness they have Information “officers”.  After trying to explain how to get there they accompanied us down to the entrance. The weather was perfect, the boat ride was perfect and the area along the river was beautifully manicured.   Eventually, we found ourselves walking a couple hundred feet and needing to rest.  The rest stops became more frequent and we finally ascended to the street level to leave.  There were 4 San Antonio Park Police officers taking a break at a nearby table so I asked them if they could help us find the nearest bus stop for bus 24. It had to be bus 24 so it took some time for them to find one.  It was several blocks away so they decided to call a courtesy car to take us to the bus stop.  We had time for a selfie photo with them provided by one of the officers but for some reason I couldn’t share it.  Never having been in a squad car before, we were taken aback by the tight quarters.  They said that they weren’t designed for comfort.  When we got to the bus stop the most recent bus had just left and there were no benches.  20 minutes later we were finally enroute to the campground.  We can’t compliment these officers enough.  They couldn’t have been kinder. 


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The deadline for the CM News is Monday evening or early Tuesday morning unless otherwise notified.  Your news and announcements are most welcome, and we need to see more of it.


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