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Cedar Mountain resident, R. Hanes Hoffman Jr., a graduate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and owner of the Bluewater Copper Works, lives and works here in Western, North Carolina. An avid fisherman, naturalist and world traveler, he takes pride in capturing the essence of each species of wildlife depicted in his copper sculptures. His work is both interpretive and realistic.


Artist Hanes Hoffman gives life to fish with copper and flame. Hoffman has been creating game fish copper art for more than two decades. His sculptures are wildly vibrant, exploding with iridescent colors and vivid markings. It takes a careful hand to coax life from metal. But he’s managed to dial it in, creating trophies and elaborate wall installations that showcase entire ecosystems.


Mr. Hoffman’s copper art is featured in Marlin Magazine this month.  Marlin Magazine is widely distributed and popular in the international fishing industry. Being included in this publication is a real honor.  


SEE OFF POTLUCK – THIS SUNDAY by shared by Doug Poad

I’m thinking that salads won’t be the only green thing there.  Bring your dish at 5:30 pm and we’ll socialize for a bit before eating at 6:00 pm.  Bring your own utensils if you are of a mind to do so.  This reduces our contributions to the landfill.  Sue Sasser will be hosting this one (Thanks, Sue).


SEE OFF LITTER SWEEP Date Change – March 30th is better suited for searching for Easter Eggs… not litter, so we’re going to move it (again) to 13 April at 1:00 pm.  That will be a good time for a spring cleaning for our roads… and our community center if enough folks show up.



The public is invited to attend the next presentation of our monthly "Fire Side Chats" at the Cedar Mountain Community Center. 


The presentation will be given by Al Brothers, a passionate advocate for the Dark Sky Initiative. This initiative is dedicated to restoring the nighttime environment and protecting communities from the harmful effects of light pollution through outreach, advocacy, and conservation. It aims to preserve the natural night sky, promote scientific research and education in astronomy, and raise awareness about the importance of reducing light pollution. 


This presentation is particularly timely as International Dark Sky Week will be observed from April 2-8. This week is dedicated to celebrating the night and taking action to protect the night from light pollution. 


The presentation will be on Wednesday, March 27th at 2:00 PM at Cedar Mountain Community Center, 10635 Greenville Highway in Cedar Mountain. 



Cedar Mountain Moonshine Distillery will be hosting its annual Cedar Mountain Egg Hunt on Saturday, March 23rd from 3-4 PM. Bring your own basket to hunt for colorful eggs, take your picture with the Easter Bunny, and stick around for some hippity hoppity games!  We will start the egg hunt right around 3 PM…so, be on the line ready to GO!  If you would like to make a candy, egg, or filler donation, please drop off items at the distillery before March 17th. If we aren’t there, just leave in the back of the ‘ol truck. We have over 1,000 eggs to fill and hide! Helping hands are always appreciated!





CMCC's first potluck of the season will be Monday, April 8.  Connie Meré of the Cradle of Forestry and the Vanderbilt family will give a presentation.  Please have dishes to share on the serving tables by 6:15 pm.  Everyone is welcome.



3/27/24 2 PM Al Brothers Dark skies & lights

4/24/24 2 PM Yvonne Dixson - The Walton War




Spring officially arrives on March 19, and the 2024 season of golf for the Sherwood Forest Ladies League officially starts at 10 a.m. Monday, April 8 with a scramble game. We welcome new members, wherever you live in the county and whatever your skill level. Join us for golf and the chance to make new friends. Sherwood Forest is a par-three course that helps with game improvement, whether you're working on your short game (chips, pitches, putting) or tee shots.

This year, our season runs Mondays April 8 through Oct. 14. You can play every Monday or when your schedule allows - no pressure. Annual membership dues are $20, and we collect $1 per week from each player for our end-of-season awards. Greens fees are payable each Monday to the clubhouse or you can become a member of the course and play as often as you like all year long. If you have any questions please contact Sue Wojcik, president of the league, at If you like golf to be fun, this is the league for you. Come out and join us.


CHRISTINE’S CORNER by Christine Pace

I’ve been wearing green all week at work, like most of the employees.  This is in celebration of St. Patrick’s Day which will be this Sunday, March 17th.  I’ll also be wearing a green apron this Saturday at the Cedar Mountain Fire Department while helping with the benefit Pancake Breakfast!

 Two weeks after St. Patrick’s Day is Easter!  It’s not often Easter happens in March; this year’s date is Sunday, March 31st.  Though the church I attend, Rocky Hill Baptist, no longer has a venue for a sunrise service we are still planning a beautiful service of song & message Easter morning.   Rita (Skerrett) Lollar is directing our choir and is doing great!  The service begins at the regular time: 11:00am.  Everyone is welcome!  We’re just 3/10 mile past the fire department.     

Where has winter gone this year?  Other than a few cold mornings I haven’t gotten much use of my winter jacket.  This Thursday, when the newspaper comes out, it’s supposed to be in the mid-to-high 70’s!

Some are saying “chances of a frost here will be gone by April 15th ….. along with our (tax) money.”  I’m of the old school though, always waiting until Mother’s Day to plant tender annuals.


Planning ahead, I’m looking for a car “detailer” to spruce up my Kia Soul this summer.  My seat & steering wheel covers I purchased 3 year’s ago, when I acquired my vehicle, are wearing out so I’m thinking of planning the detail at the same time I acquire new covers, so the detailer can put them on for me! 

ROUND THE HOUSE by Linda Packer Young

Monday started off great.  We finally were able to install wall fixtures to the bathroom remodel.  We now have a towel ring, tissue holder and a makeup mirror installed. We just have a wall decoration to hang and it’s done.


Monday evening when I tried to open the Cedar Mountain News email it had disappeared.  Fortunately I had nearly completed the news before this happened.  I don’t get up early so being at Joe Tiexedo’s computer repair shop by 8 am Tuesday was a stretch. First thing he did was get rid of a virus.  The virus had messed up or deleted a lot of my passwords so I had to change them to restore access to several accounts.  Next Monday he will “scour” it and upgrade to Windows 11.  What would I do without Joe?  He said he was seeing a lot of folks with virus problems in the last few weeks.  The incidence of hacking has been even worse. 


Due to computer problems, items to be repeated in this week’s news will have to wait until next week.


NOTE: All news must be sent to  Photos need to be high resolution to ensure printability.  900kbs or more is recommended.


The deadline for the CM News is Monday evening or early Tuesday morning unless otherwise notified.  Your news and announcements are most welcome, and we need to see more of it.


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