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Members of the Cedar Mountain Community center got together last Friday and Saturday to clean up the outside of the post office..

Suzanne and Robert Lawson worked on Friday and the rest on Saturday morning. Those on Saturday were Candy Gray, Marilyn Compton, Patty Stahl, Deborah and Doug Corn, Beth Owings and Deborah Perkins. We trimmed trees, hedges and ground cover. Weeds were pulled and beds were cleaned out. After the debris was gathered and the sidewalks were blown, Doug Corn hauled off a truck bed full of brush accompanied by his dog, Millie.

The center does this at least once or twice each summer as a community service.

DEACON ORDINATION OCT. 29TH Rocky Hill Baptist Church will ordain two new deacons at the 11:00am morning service on Sunday October 29th. Everyone is invited to this very special event, when John "Douglas" Pace and Robert Lawson will be entrusted into this very special service to our Lord, and members of our church family, and others. Dr. Mike Miller, Missionary of the Transylvania Baptist Association will come and preach the Deacon Challenge. Two long-time deacons have passed, Alvin Jones and Joe Earl Pace, leaving the two vacancies. Church members selected and voted unanimously for brothers Doug Pace and Robert Lawson to fill these important positions, and they ask for your prayer and support as they step up to this work in and of the Lord's house.


The Hemlock Woolly Adelgid is a serious invasive pest that is decimating the hemlocks in our forests. If you have hemlocks on your property and you'd like to better understand how you can treat them for these pests on your own in an efficient and cost effective manner, then this class is for you.

Join the staff of the Transylvania Cooperative Extension on Friday October 27th at 3:30 at the Faith Memorial Chapel in Cedar Mountain, NC for a hands-on class on treating your hemlocks. We'll learn a variety of methods on how to save your hemlocks.

Please RSVP by calling Transylvania County Cooperative Extension at 828-884-3109 or email


Sunday evenings we are holding a special Bible Study entitled "Flickering Lamps" starting at 6:00pm.

​ Saturday October 28th at 5pm at the church there will be treat bags, hot chocolate and activities for children and chili for all. Come and enjoy the fun evening.

Sunday October 29th 2RMORE will be our 11:00am worship service guests. Come and be inspired by their national recording music ministry. ​

Then stay for our fellowship Pot Luck dinner. A Love offering will be taken for 2RMORE.

There will be no evening service.


I am visiting my daughter and family in Illinois this week. Always nice to get here but the road keeps getting longer and longer it seems. It’s about 855 miles from Cedar Mountain and it takes me 14 + hours to travel it.

I had to get a new GPS. The old one wouldn’t hold a charge. This one has a unique feature. If you are supposed to turn left it goes “dong ding” a left turn is ding dong and if you should go straight it just goes ding ding. Thought ya’ll would really be interested in this. Ha.

I checked the weather for this week before I left and packed accordingly. Unfortunately Mother Nature changed her plans and the predicted unseasonably warm weather did not happen. I had to go to my favorite consignment store in Rockford, Illinois and get a couple of warm long sleeve tops. I’m cozy now.

We are having a great visit and seeing the sights. A family tradition is going to Edwards Apple Orchard nearby for fresh baked apple pie. I can’t wait for that.

What’s happening with you or in the community? We’d love to hear what’s going on, if you would like to share.

Please email your news to by 6 pm on Sunday this week. I will be traveling on Monday.

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