Sarah Dearbaugh would like to invite you to her painting classes. There will be a singles Saturday Paint + Sip at Studio276 February 15th from 4:00 pm-6:30 pm; Monet’s Mimosa Day Paint + Sip Saturday, February 22 at11 am and a Leap Day Paint + Sip Saturday February 29 4:00 pm-6:30 pm. For more information and to register for events, visit our website at www.studio276.art. SUNDAY FUND DAY
Sunday afternoon, February 16, 2020, will be a FUND day at the Cedar Mountain Canteen from 3-6 pm. BYO potluck item to share and your instrument to jam on! In an effort to reduce waste, please bring your own non recyclable table service and beverage containers. Donations for beverages will benefit the Mountain School of Strings and JAM program of Transylvania County. Proceeds will help the Scholarship Program to keep string music education affordable and available to all ages!
A blood drive will be held on Saturday February 22 from 8:30 am – 12:30 pm. You will be rewarded with homemade cookies and the knowledge that your donation may have saved a life.
There will be a free pancake breakfast March 14th at the station. The menu will be pancakes (choc chip, blueberry and plain) and sausage, juice, milk and coffee. Donations will be gladly accepted.
Cedar Mountain Small Area Planning Committee will develop a land use management perspective that strives to balance the areas natural beauty, historically and cultural resources with responsible commercial and private development. The Committee respects the evolution of this community and its values, and will develop its management perspective by being responsive to the many voices of the Cedar Mountain citizens. The Committee reached consensus to include Solomon Jones, Haskell Jones, Rich Mountain, Reasonover, Cascade Lake, and Staton roads with Hwy 276 in community planning. Also discussed was various land use options - mixed, open, special, and prohibited and approved. Hazardous waste, radioactive waste, and adult entertainment as prohibited was also discussed. The legality of further limiting/prohibiting additional “special use” activities (and others) will be reviewed by a Transylvania lawyer by the February meeting. HEADS UP!
Index cards will be utilized at the next meeting to facilitate the collection of questions and comments from the public. Transylvania County is working to establish a progress update/FAQ link established for community members to access. The next Cedar Mountain Small Area Planning meeting will be held at the Cedar Mountain Community Center on the last Tuesday of the month, February 25th at 6pm. The public is encouraged to attend!
DARK SKIES PROGRAM (Who does light pollution effect?)
Blue Ghost Fireflies a.k.a lightning bugs need the dark for mating and reproduction. Lost or confused migrating birds sometimes collide with buildings or circle until they drop from exhaustion. The estimate is that more than 365 million birds die trying to navigate during migration. If they survive, they lay eggs with thinner shells. Nature is changed.
Light at night disturbs Circadian rhythms, disrupts wildlife behavior, mating, and endangers some species like the sea turtles. Insect populations are diminishing due to light pollution. Artificial light at night can also negatively affect human health, increasing risks for obesity, depression, sleep disorders, diabetes, breast cancer and more.
Sherwood Forest Friends and the Cedar Mountain Community Center will present a Dark Skies program on March 28th at the CMCC at 2:00 pm. Stephan Martin from the NC Arboretum will share information with us about the concerns of light pollution and light trespass and what we can do about it. An important thing to remember is this is an environmental problem we can solve! We hope to see you there!
From the Brevard News of February 9, 1917
One of the most beautiful social features of the season was the marriage of Miss Rosa Jones and Bunyan Robinson at the home of the bride’s mother, Mrs. Jane Jones. The bride was charmingly attired in a gown of white silk crepe de chine, daintily fashioned with shadow lace and chiffon and joined in the waist with chiffon rose buds. She was attended by her two cousins, Misses Dora and Idell Bishop. Willice Bayne, a friend of the groom, and Markley Jones, a cousin of the bride, attended. The house was decorated with mountain fern and evergreens. About 65 invited guests were present and enjoyed the dinner, which was served immediately after the ceremony, which was performed by Esq. Weldon Lee at 2 o’clock.
In order to avoid a serenade, the bridal couple spent the night with their uncle, George Bishop. Miss Jones was one of Cedar Mountain’s best girls and was once one of Fruitland Institute’s widest-awake students.
Mr. and Mrs. Robinson expect to make their home at River Falls where Mr. Robinson is engaged in business. Many good wishes go with the happy couple.
Little Ollie, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Burns, has been quite sick for the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Garren of River Falls, S.C. visited friends at this place last week. Wilkie, the 14-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. George Bishop, was baptized last Sunday at 10 o’clock by the pastor, Rev. E. Allison, after which a very interesting sermon was preached at the church. The public school is progressing nicely. Miss Jennie Bishop is visiting friends in Asheville. Wilkins Cagle and Otis Mills of Greenville spent Thursday night in Cedar Mountain. Miss Nellie Lee, who has been visiting in Greenville, has returned to her home. Harrell Hart of Little River was a visitor in our section Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Jones visited their nephew, Solomon Jones, at Caesar’s Head on Sunday. Harlen Jones attended the entertainment at Green River School Friday night. Miss Rosalee Hamilton and Street Burns were in Brevard Saturday. Hamlin and Raymond Bishop went to River Falls Wednesday. Dr. W. M. Lyday was called to see little Ollie Burns and Mrs. George Bishop. Both are improving.
NOTES by correspondent Patty Stahl
Cedar Mountain was a busy place in February of 1917. Folks were traveling to River Falls, SC, located at the lower end of the Jones Gap. Some of the Cedar Mountain residents had moved to River Falls, probably for employment opportunities. Tom and Eva Garren were living there but would later move back to Cedar Mountain and live on Reasonover Road. Their grandchildren are Cedar Mountain residents today. The Green River Road, at the end of Reasonover Road and beginning at Blue Ridge Baptist Church, was, and still is, another route into Cedar Mountain.
Bunyan and Rosa were still living in River Falls later in 1917 but would return to Cedar Mountain and, in 1928, built Hi Bunyan, the Cedar Mountain grocery store, gas station and ice cream shop. Rosa had attended and boarded at the Fruitland Institute, a Christian high school founded in 1899 and located near Hendersonville. Several Cedar Mountain families sent their children to this school, which closed in 1936. In 1946 it became the Fruitland Baptist Bible College and is still in operation today. Rosa was the Cedar Mountain postmaster from 1929 until 1955 and her daughter Ruby from 1955 until 1985. Bunyan and Rosa were spared the mountain custom of serenading on their wedding night. Also known as a Chivaree or pounding, the celebration involved young people showing up late on the wedding evening and making lots of noise with tin cans, pots and pan, and singing. Pantry staples such as flour, meal and sugar were often brought for the couple, hence the pounds. Refreshments were also provided as the revelers might be invited into the home, or not. Doug Pace, my uncle, remembers pounding my parents, Ralph and Dot Lee, on their wedding night in September of 1948. A large group of Cedar Mountain youth accompanied him as they thoroughly embarrassed my mother.
Little Ollie Burns recovered from her illness and lived a long life in Cedar Mountain. Wilkie Bishop, brother of Boyce, must have had a chilly baptism in the cold waters of Little River or Clear Creek. Otis Mills owned the Mills House which is still used by the family and is located in SC, just beyond the state line and on 276. And the Cedar Mountain School progressed nicely until the late 1940’s when the students began to attend school in Brevard. Just two months later, the United States would enter World War I. According to the Brevard News, all men between the ages of 21 and 31 were required to register on June 5, 1917. The Cedar Mountain precinct registrar was Ralph W. Lee. Most of the young men mentioned in the 1917 column served during the war. Hamlin Bishop, Hobert Bishop, Raymond Bishop and Harlen Jones, all from Cedar Mountain, were veterans. Harlen was the brother of Rosa. Tom Garren registered in 1918, at the age of 36. Bunyan’s registration card claims an exemption due to farming and supporting a new wife. Otis P. Mills, Jr. and Wilkins Cagle of Greenville enlisted in 1918. Otis is the father of Jane Mills Stone. Jane lives just across the NC/SC state line. Harold Hart, a Cedar Mountain visitor, registered in the Little River precinct on June 5, 1917 and served in the army. Other young men from Cedar Mountain served in the war, many of them were brothers of these mentioned in the column.
CHRISTINE'S CORNER by Christine Pace I attended a seminar on Monday at the Silvermont Mansion, entitled "Quench". It was given by Diana Grimm of Fyzical in Brevard. She spoke on how to get enough water into your cells and vital organs, which can't simply be done by drinking 8 glasses of water a day. Geared mostly to those of us over age 55(ahem), it would be useful for everyone to learn the facts presented. Diana got her facts from holistic doctors and from a book titled "Quench", written by Dana Cohen, MD & Gina Bria. There is one copy at our local library and to see if it's available now you may call them at (828)884-3151. If it is not available they will put you on a waitlist and call you when it is in again. You can reach Diana Grimm at (828)553-3615. She says she is available to come and talk to any "group". While at Silvermont I read the February events calendar and I am interested in a couple of classes happening this month. One on wood carving (Thursday the 20th at 3:00pm), which is free, and another called Ageless Grace which is held on Wednesdays at 11:30 am and again at 1:00 pm. There is a $5 cost per class on that. Guess I'll stick to the free classes on Mondays & Wednesdays at the Family Life Center (10:00am). There are Zumba classes at Silvermont, and Mahjong, a Reader’s Theatre, Pastel Painters, Social Bridge, Qi Gong, a Card Club, Super Scrabble, Sit & Stitch, Gentle Yoga, and more! Contact Silvermont at (828)884-3166 to get on their email list or to ask about any of these offerings. Brenda Skeffington is their Recreation Programmer and can also be reached by email at: brenda.skeffington@transylvaniacounty.org. Speaking of physical therapy I am in my 2nd week of 5 for my neck, which currently will not turn to the left and barely to the right. The cause is arthritis, with three of five vertebrae bone-on-bone. Grant Pierrone & Suzanne Ellis of Transylvania Hospital rehab are doing wonders already, using deep penetrating heat, hand massage, and traction which release the pressure between these joints. I can't say enough about the wonders these two do for me. I'm still able to exercise the rest of my body in Suzanne Lawson's class at the Family Life Center, as she cautions everyone to just "do as much as you are able to do". To quote Ms. Lawson "The hardest part is showing up." To contact Suzanne Lawson please email her at minniesc@hotmail.com or just show up! AROUND THE HOUSE by Linda Young
It was reported last week that several Cedar Mountain summer homes had been broken into. You will be happy to know the thieves have been caught and placed in jail after breaking into the homes a second time. The culprits had stolen a car to haul their stolen goods and it broke down. The Greenville police found it!
One homeowner was able to identify and retrieve possessions from the Transylvania and Greenville County sheriff departments.
Many thanks to the cooperative, quick, and professional work from so many officers and detectives!
Thank you for reading The Cedar Mountain News. Your contributions are encouraged and welcome. We’d love to hear what’s going on if you would like to share. Please email your news or any questions to cedarmountainnews@gmail.com by Monday evening.