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FLEA MARKET SEPT 14A community flea market will be held Saturday, September 14th, at the Cedar Mountain Community Center from 6:00 am to 2:00pm. Why so early? There will be 4 local Flea Markets this same day, and we want to be the first stop! The Canteen, the See-Off Community Center, and Sherwood Forest's large "Robin Hood Barn" are the other 3.     To reserve a table indoors at the Cedar Mountain Community Center please call Christine Pace at (828) 556-5238 or email: Tables are provided at a cost of $20./table or two for $35. Checks should be made out to the Cedar Mountain Community Center. No sales of live animals, alcohol, smokes, or vapes please. Any unsold items must be removed by 4:00pm the day of the sale. Set-up will be at noon the day before. No early shoppers please! Breakfast will be available on Saturday in the form of a breakfast biscuit, coffee or juice, for $3. Venders, please bring your own lunch, snacks, soda's etc.

THE CANTEEN IN CEDAR MOUNTAIN (10771 Greenville Hwy) will be open 9 am – 9 pm, Saturday 9-14 with the yard sale open from 9 am – 1 pm with 7 tables. Free plant-based beans and rice available. Bringing your own reusable bowl and silverware is appreciated. Dishwashing station available. Proceeds from this sale will benefit Transylvania Shares, a community sharing club (info at They will also be hosting a Bluegrass Jam beginning at 2 pm that day.



The Sept 10 potluck at the Cedar Mountain Community Center will be regarding Hemlock Restoration.  Olivia Hall is the outreach manager for the Hemlock Restoration Initiative. She has been with HRI since 2023, originally serving as an AmeriCorps member, carrying out hemlock conservation on public lands and educating landowners about protecting their own hemlocks. She graduated with her Masters in Biology in May of 2023 from Northern Michigan University.  The objective of HRI is to restore Hemlock trees throughout North Carolina.  They use various methods to fight the infestation of the Hemlock Wooly Adelgid.

Olivia will discuss the history and growth of HRI and the many educational programs and hikes they sponsor for home owners, landowners and the general public. She will explain the devastation caused by the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid or HWA infestation and explain in detail the methods a homeowner can use to treat and save their Hemlocks.

You are asked to place food to share on the serving tables by 6:15p so we can start at 6:30p.  Everyone is welcome to attend.

CEDAR MOUNTAIN FIRE RESCUE DEPT by Jimmy Jones, President & PIO, Cedar Mountain Volunteer Fire/Rescue, Inc. 

I just finished researching our records as far back as I could get my hands on to be sure that my memory wasn’t faulty and confirmed that we answered a total of 38 calls for service from August 1st to the 31st of this year and that is the busiest August that we have ever had! It may in fact be the busiest month that we have ever had… 

We left our own families when those tones went off to go assist others who needed our help. In between all these calls, we attended training, hosted our regular American Red Cross Blood Drive, and held a successful Hamburger and Hot Dog Fundraiser. 

I wanted to share this information with everyone because we did what was needed to “gett’r done”! Some of these calls were time consuming and extremely draining emotionally and we responded promptly and professionally to do what was needed. In my mind, this is an excellent example of protecting and serving our communities! THANK YOU for your contributions be they small or large, that made all this possible!!! 

I am very proud of Cedar Mountain Fire/Rescue, and I consider it an honor to be a member.

Jimmy H. Jones,President & PIO,Cedar Mountain Volunteer Fire/Rescue, Inc.  Website:  Email:


The Hunger Coalition of Transylvania County food distribution location in Cedar Mountain will be held at the community center Thursday Sept 19th starting at 3p.  If you or someone you know is struggling to put food on the table, here is good news! They will be distributing food every third Thursday of the month from 3:00pm to 5:00pm. There will be no questions asked. If you know of anyone in need, you can pick up food for them as well.  The center is accepting donations to help cover the cost of the food, and here is a link to their website where you can donate.  Please share this information with anyone in need.   Homemade goods can not be accepted.


You are invited to an ice cream social at the See Off Community Center 2021 See Off Mountain Road, September 22 at 6:30p to meet our local Democratic Candidates. This is an opportunity to meet and talk with Democratic Candidates for County Commission, Board of Education, and State House.  The social is open to all political leanings or none at all. Ice cream, cookies, fruit, decaf coffee and water will be served.   Everyone is welcome.

BLOOD DRIVE The next blood drive at the Cedar Mountain FRD will be October 19.  Make your appointment at


Are you looking for a venue to host a community event, wedding reception, or meeting? Contact Caroline Chambers at 828-290-9662 to schedule. The Cedar Mountain Community Center is the perfect place for residents and visitors to gather, with a variety of events held throughout the year. From monthly summer potluck dinners to cooking classes and special occasions, The Center offers an opportunity to get involved and become part of the Cedar Mountain Community. Come join us for food, fun, and a variety of events! 


It's that time again! It's time to get organized for the Cedar Mountain Community Center Craft Show! The show will be the 2nd of November from 9am until 3pm with setup on Friday afternoon/evening (times to be determined). We have a full slate of crafters already.  If you would like to sign up to be on a wait list, contact Kathy Treadwell at

AROUND THE HOUSE by Linda Packer Young

We are so grateful for our life in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains and our log cabin on Duncan Mountain.  When I see all the fires, tornadoes, and hurricane warnings and other calamities in the world I feel sad, but glad we have avoided them so far.

I have lived here since 1995 and have never seen a bear in our subdivision.  Because of the elevation of the cabin we don’t see the yard unless we go to a window.  A neighbor warned us of an aggressive bear in their yard but we hadn’t seen it.  Then as I was standing by a bedroom window said bear went by under the window and up into the woods.  I was excited to finally see one in our yard but am now leery of going out to my moss garden.  It is fenced to discourage deer but a bear could easily knock it down.


Note:  The deadline to submit articles for the news is Monday night.  If you think you will be later than that you need to let me know.  Email with all news.  Photos need to be 900kb or more to be used in the paper.


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