BY Linda Packer Young and Christine Pace
Dear readers.
Thank you for reading the Cedar Mountain News. Your contributions and comments are encouraged and welcome. We’d love to hear what’s going on if you would like to share. Photos are welcome as well. Please respond by Monday evening. Linda and Chris
If your mouth isn’t watering now it soon will be. The Cedar Mountain Community Center will be hosting a Crockpot Cook-off on Saturday, February 5. Sampling begins at 5:30 pm.
Contestants; please have your Crockpots plugged in and ready to serve by 5:15 pm. Any dish that can be cooked in a Crockpot is acceptable, such as soups, chili, desserts, pot roast, BBQ, etc. A $5.00 donation is requested. You will receive a ticket to vote on your favorite Crockpot entry. Awards will be presented to the top 3 contestants.
If you would like to bring a copy of your recipe or ingredients, we will display it with your entry. It is also helpful to those who may have food allergies. See you there.
Blood banks are reportedly at a critical low point across Western North Carolina. Elective surgeries are being postponed because the blood has a more critical need elsewhere. Please come and do your part to lessen the demand.
The next blood drive will be held at the Cedar Mountain Fire Rescue Dept on Saturday, February 19th between 8:30 am and 12:30 pm. Appointments are recommended.
Attention Cedar Mountain HOAs, the Cedar Mountain Community Center needs to lock in your meeting dates for 2022 before the wedding bookings start conflicting with your request. HOAs, please send an email to cmcc28718@gmail.com with your proposed date and HOA contact as soon as possible.
CHRISTINE’S CORNER by Christine Pace
Having spent 3 days in the ER at Transylvania hospital this past week, I didn’t get out & about to learn any new & exciting local news. I’m home again now, feeling good, though will need surgery in the near future.
This summer I plan to offer a few 2-hour art classes, free, using some of the art supplies a retired art teacher gave me. These classes will be geared to school-age children but adults can certainly join in! We’ll be drawing, painting (on gourds!), and sculpting with polymer clay. Anyone interested can email me at chris_p_artist@yahoo.com. And if you’d like to help me that would be greatly appreciated. The location of these classes would be best outdoors, near a creek & food source don’t you think? (hint-hint Wendy)
Speaking of Wendy Caughey, of Creekside Market, she sent a bowl of the best potato soup I’ve ever had, upon my release from the hospital! My “sister” Candy Grey was the courier of this soup. She said Wendy made this soup herself. It lasted two days; wonderful glorious days!
Deb Holland, the wife of Rocky Hill Baptist Church pastor Dr. Leland Holland, was celebrated at a lunch held at Creekside Market, for her birthday which was almost a month ago. That was last Thursday, the day the ambulance took me to the hospital.
While in the hospital I was visited by Scott Russell when he brought another to the ER. Scott is the new EMT at the Cedar Mountain Fire Department. His wife Jennifer, a nurse, also joined the Fire Department, where I am on the auxiliary. The Russell’s include two lovely children and are new residents of our community. When you meet them I know you’ll give them a big welcome. That’s what we do!
Thanks to all who prayed for me while I was suffering. Hopefully, my eventual surgery will be “planned” and not an emergency. Oh! And I’m looking forward to some more soup when I’m released, Wendy!
Please send me or Linda your updates.
AROUND THE HOUSE by Linda Packer Young
My honey and I just got back from visiting an ill friend in Iowa. I think we brightened her mood a little bit while we were there. We ate every meal out and enjoyed each other in the process. We will not be checking our bathroom scales for a week or so.
When we arrived there it was below zero and was -11 in the morning. We are not used to that.
It will be good to be back home in Cedar Mountain.