On Saturday March 18th from 8 am to 11 am the CMFRD Auxiliary will be serving blueberry and regular pancakes, there will be both turkey and pork sausage and beverages. Donations will be used to purchase fire/rescue equipment.

On Saturday, March 4th a group of hikers met in the Corn Mill Shoals parking lot on Cascade Lake Road to make a three-mile trek to the rock quarry in DuPont State Recreational Forest and to learn about the lifestyles of the early settlers in the area. The event was one of the components of the French Broad River Series offered by the Transylvania County Extension Service and Conserving Carolina. Led by Kim Gundler and Kent Wilcox, the hikers followed the Wilkie and Micajah Trails to the Rock Quarry Road which took them to the quarry itself. Stops along the way provided opportunities to share information about landowner Micajah Thomas, the Buck Forest or Thomas Hotel and other early families. Lichens, tadpoles, salamanders, and the geology of the quarry itself were also discussed. Rock from the quarry was used in the construction of roads such as Cascade Lake Road and roads in Sherwood Forest. The quarry is now retired. After time spent in the quarry, the hike continued down Rock Quarry Road, across Cascade Lake Road to Twixt Trail and the Corn Mill Shoals Trail to the parking lot. The group then traveled to Studio 276 and Cedar Mountain Moonshine for a moonshine tasting and moonshine stories. Photo - Kent Wilcox leads the conversation at the quarry in DuPont State Recreational Forest. (Story and photo shared by Patty Stahl who was on the hike.)
Men’s Golf League - The Sherwood Forest Men’s Golf League will begin play April 5. The league is made up of a diverse group of men of all capabilities who enjoy golf and like to have fun. We welcome new members and offer spring, summer, and fall sessions. If you are looking for a fun way to meet friends, get outdoors and stay fit, please come join us this year. Sherwood Forest Golf Club is a par 3, 18 hole golf course located off Hwy 276 (Greenville Hwy) across from the Cedar Mountain Outpost. Please come join us for a round at 11am during the month of March and meet some of the guys you’d be playing with when the league begins April 5th. If you think you might have any interest, please contact Tim Johnston at tcj956@gmail.com or call/text 828 FIT.778.7061. We play Wednesdays. So if anyone would like to join us before league play begins, some of us will be playing at11am on Wednesdays in March.
The Sherwood Forest Ladies Golf League starts its new season on April 3. Do you live anywhere in the county? Do you play golf, or are you interested in learning and getting better? Most important, are you looking for a fun way to meet friends, get outdoors, and stay fit? If the answer to any of these questions is YES, then come on out and join the Sherwood Forest Ladies Golf League. We are a ladies 9-hole league playing Monday mornings April through October. Sherwood Forest Golf Course is a par 3 scenic course on Greenville Highway (across from the Cedar Mountain Outpost) where all levels of players are welcome. We also play for fun during the off-season, so come join us during the winter Mondays at 11 a.m. (pending frost delays) and see if this is for you. If you are interested, please contact Sue Wojcik at wojciksue@gmail.com or call or text 908-330-9842. We’d love to meet you!
Transylvania County Parks and Recreation, at 1078 Ecusta Road, Brevard is hosting a Corn Hole Tournament as a fundraiser for the Land of the Waterfalls Silver Arts and Senior Games. This Tournament will take place on Saturday, April 1, 2023, 2:00 P.M. - 5:00 P.M. To sign up: See Brenda at Silvermont or Dale at Parks and Recreation or register online at WWW.Countyrec.Org
This is an intergenerational family fun event for ages 15 and older. We will offer singles and doubles play. The entry fee is $15.00 per person at Transylvania County Parks and Recreation. You can contact Brenda Skeffington, Recreation Coordinator for Silvermont at Transylvania County Parks and Recreation, at brenda.skeffington@transylvaniacounty.org
The next Cedar Mountain Fire Rescue Blood Drive is Saturday, April 15, 2023, 08:30 AM - 12:30 PM. Sign up site is https://www.redcrossblood.org/give.html/donation-time.
CHRISTINE’S CORNER by Christine Pace
A memorial service for Sheila Bayles will be held at Rocky Hill Baptist Church this Saturday, March 11th at 2:00pm. Visitation inside the main sanctuary is from 1:00-2:00. Following the service a covered dish meal will be held in the Family Life Center next door. For more info please call the pastor of Rocky Hill Church, Dr. Leland Holland at (828)862-5611.
or call Doreen Blake for more information, or to make a donation, at: (828)577-4767
A benefit for Nathalie Britt will be held on Saturday March 18th at 4:00pm in the cafeteria of Rosman High School. Ms. Britt, a local Paramedic herself, is undergoing extensive treatment for cancer. She is the daughter of Hank & Robin Moffitt. A BBQ dinner, raffle, silent auction, bingo, and live music will be available.
For more information, or to make a donation, please contact Doreen Blake at (828)577-4767. Thank you for your support!
Jim Sketo gained another year on March 2nd. Keeping him young though is his beautiful wife Kathy Sketo whose birthday is also this month; March 15th. Carol Ableman turns another year older on March 4th; Anne Guffey celebrates on the 8th; Fred Rich on the 16th; Jentsen Rackley on March 17th; Dana Husky on the 19th, and Nancy Mayer on the 20th of March.
Happy birthday to all and God bless you!
Have I missed your birthday or anniversary? Please let me know at chris_p_artist@yahoo.com
The Rocky Hill choir will perform this year’s Easter cantata at the 11:00am service on Easter inside the church. Cantata practice has begun, and meets twice a week. It’s not too late if you’d like to join us! For more information please call the pastor of Rocky Hill church Dr. Leland Holland at (828)862-5611.
The Community Center is for rent! The center has a capacity of 150 standing and seating for 100. There is a commercial-style kitchen too. Our center is the perfect place for your reception, party, family reunion, business meeting, or other activity. Get married outside and have your reception at the Center or use it as a dressing room for outdoor weddings. Make food in the commercial kitchen or have it catered by local professionals. To rent, email Caroline Chambers at cmcc28718@gmail.com or call her at 828-290-9662.
AROUND THE HOUSE by Linda Packer Young
Monday 2-20-23. Our trip was not without mishap. Our first day on the road we were involved in an accident in Georgia. A car attempted to pass us from the right (we were in the middle lane) and hit the right front of the Infirmary. It could have been really bad. I saw it coming and yelled “It’s going to hit us!” My honey nearly lost control. I saw the car spin out behind us. Luckily he didn’t hit anyone and I saw him pull over to the roadside. We pulled over within a 1/8 mile of him. The damage to the Infirmary (motor home) was very minor. We wondered how to tell the police where we were. There were no mile markers near by. Fortunately the other driver called 911. When the trooper was done with him they all came down to us. Two troopers came along with the other driver. An EMS vehicle also showed up but fortunately wasn’t needed. The troopers took forever processing the accident and we turned up at the campground in the dark. The attendant had us follow her to the camp site or we never would have found it. It was Lake Park Campground, Lake Park, GA. Just glad we got there safely.
To be continued.
The Cedar Mountain News is here to ensure you know what is happening in the neighborhood and elsewhere in the area. Thank you for reading it. Your input is welcomed and encouraged so please let me know what’s happening out there in Cedar Mountain etc.
Please send all photos and/or news and announcements to cedarmountainnews@gmail.com. Photos need to be close to 900 kb or better for publication in the news.
The deadline for submissions is Monday night or early Tuesday.”