Monday November 14th will be our annual Thanksgiving feast. The center will be furnishing the turkeys. You are asked to have your Thanksgiving dish to share on the serving table by 6:15PM. After supper an election will be held for new board members. There will be no program; just time to enjoy conversations with your neighbors and friends. This is our last meeting until next spring.The center will remain open for other events during the winter months. Call Deborah Perkins at 828-885-7878 for information on rental. You may also visit our website at http://www.cedarmountaincommunitycenter.com for rental, upcoming events and local information. Reservations can be made online.
The CMCC board of directors will meet on Thursday November 10th at 4pm.
The auxiliary needs volunteers to help with fundraisers. The auxiliary helps the fire department buy needed equipment which benefits us all. Help is needed to prepare for these fundraisers which includes preparing for in house BBQ dinners’ with all the trimmings as well as catering dinners. We will be catering the DuPont Experience in November. Please call Cindy Greene at 828-862-3342 for more information or to volunteer.
This event will be held November 11th-13th, 2016 and will simulate search and rescue operations in a wilderness environment. Search crews, dog crews and technical rescue teams will be participating. Over 200 participants are expected. The CMFRD auxiliary caters the event.
Our beloved Pastor and founder of Cedar Mountain Baptist Church Dr. Harlon Ramsey made his journey to his heavenly home Monday night. Our prayers and love go out to his beloved wife of 63 years, the entire Ramsey family and the Cedar Mountain Baptist Church Family. Wednesday Night October 26th Program. The menu will be a surprise, with drinks and assortment of desserts. Supper at 5:30pm to 6:30pm then off to Sanctuary time, classes and game-time. The adults will have special class of prayer, bible study and sharing. The evening usually ends at 7:45pm. The Wednesday night programs will follow the school calendar. Squire Parson will be at the morning service at Cedar Mountain Baptist church Sunday Oct. 30th, at 11:00AM. Many "old-timers" remember him! Come hear this amazing song composer and performer. Many of the familiar songs we sing he wrote such as Sweet Beulah Land, I Sing Because, I Go To the Rock and Master of The Sea to name a few. Mr. and Mrs. Parsons live in Leicester. This will also be our Fifth Sunday fellowship dinner as well. Come join us for this praise event. Visit Cedar Mountain Baptist Church Sunday and be greeted and welcomed into a friendly body of worshiping, praying believers. Church/Prayer line 966-4812
Last week at Rocky Hill Baptist church there was a covered-dish soup, salad and desert lunch following the morning service. After lunch there was a great hay ride! What a beautiful day it was too!
I hate paper. I might have growled about this before but sometimes I wish there was a garbage can right by my mailbox. I tend to stack stuff to ‘look at later” until the pile falls over. Then I put it in a box to go through later. I had 3 boxes and have whittled it down to 2 now. I found magazines still in their plastic wrappers. Then there are all the offers for those amazing credit cards and refinance options. Coupons I had put in the box were now expired so no problem recycling that sort of thing. Thank goodness the election will soon be in the past and all those campaign flyers will stop coming.
The Cedar Mountain News depends on your input. If you have news to share or announcements to make please let me know. All news for next week must be received by Monday evening in order to be published in the Thursday edition of the Transylvania Times.
Please email cedarmountainnews@gmail.com with any news or questions.