Yeti or Not 25k Race DuPont State Recreational Forest The Yeti or Not? 25k race will be held February 4, 2017. Weather/rain date is February 18, 2017. This race covers 15.5 miles of beautiful DuPont State Recreational Forest. More than 14 miles takes place on single track trail. Come experience DuPont!
The Cedar Mountain Fire/Rescue Auxiliary will be holding a fundraiser for the department on March 11th from 8am to 11am.
Hosted by the CMFRD Auxiliary, there will be blood drives at the Cedar Mountain Fire Rescue Dept on Feb 25th, April 22, June 17 and Aug 19th from 8:30 to noon.
CHILI COOK-OFF WINNERS: The annual Cedar Mountain Community Chili Cook-Off was held last Saturday evening with a crowd of about eighty in attendance. Winners were selected by ballot and were as follows: First place Patty Stahl, with her "Colorado Green" chili with pork. Second place went to Debbie Tecarr (cook at Cedar Mountain Cafe) with her "Sweet & Spicy" chili. And third place went to John Harrison with his "Venison" chili. Winners received an engraved wooden spoon (engraved by Mr. Tacarr) and a plaque. The pots of chili varied widely, with one by Beth Owings having chocolate as an ingredient. Jane Van Hook's chili contained coffee; most were happily sharing their recipes. Plan to attend, or compete, next January. All proceeds benefitted the Cedar Mountain Community Center.
Mark your calendar for Monday evening, June 12th to attend the annual "Talent Night" at the Cedar Mountain Community Center. Hosted by Christine Pace, you are encouraged to call her and get your name on the list to perform, at (828)885-2103, evenings; or email chris_p_artist@yahoo.com
HAPPY 90TH BIRTHDAY. The Rocky Hill Baptist Church family celebrated the 90th birthday of Mitchell Jones on Sunday during the Fifth Sunday meal at the Family Life Center. Mitchell was born on February 1, 1927 in Selica to Geneva and Joseph Jones. Joseph was a builder of fine cabinets and furniture. Mitchell’s family moved to Cedar Mountain when he was three years old. He is a member of Rocky Hill and has served there as a deacon. He was employed at Jones Woodwork Shop, owned and operated by his brother Haskell Jones. For many years Mitchell had a large vegetable garden and hiked in the area around his home as well as to church. He currently enjoys listening to country and bluegrass music, watching TV and eating meals out and at the homes of his family and friends. Happy Birthday Mitchell!
Robert Lawson is a year older now, as his birthday was Jan. 29th, yet not mentioned in last month's news.
FEBRUARY BIRTHDAYS/ANNIVERSARIES: Birthday's in February, other than Mitch Jones on the 2nd, include George Mayer on Feb. 4th; Beth Owings on Valentine's Day, February 14th; Joey Pace and Lee Smith share a birthday on the 12th; Faith Bishop will celebrate on the 24th, and both Sharon Bishop and Jane Van Hook share their special day on Feb. 26th. Rick Skerrett has a birthday February 28th, and Carl Galloway turns another year older too this month. Happy Anniversary to Wallace & Mary Kay Dunbar on February 14th - Valentine's Day.
MILDRED BISHOP'S MEMORIAL The memorial service for Mildred Bishop was held last Sunday at Rocky Hill Baptist Church, with Dr, Leland Holland, pastor of Rocky Hill, officiating. Many fond memories were told of Mildred, who passed away on October 2, 2016; the most memorable thing about this memorial service though was all the "hats" worn by the women attending this service. Mildred was known for always wearing a pretty hat to church services, so, with Jane Van Hook kindly providing her mother's many hats, each woman who came without one of their own was able to borrow from Jane for this service. Of course a photo was made, which will be shared at a later church event.
SYMPATHY EXTENDED: It is with deep sympathy we extend to Judy Barksdale and family, for the passing of her mother Bert Summey on January 28th.
CEDAR MOUNTAIN BAPTIST CHURCH NEWS: Cedar Mountain Baptist Church hosted the Carolina Blue Band & Gospel Singing this past Sunday, preceded by a delicious meal of home-cooked dishes and great fellowship. If you're looking for a church home you are invited to attend the Sunday worship services at Cedar Mountain Baptist Church and the Wednesday evening meal & program/classes for every age group. For more information please call the church at (828)966-4812.
WEE TRADE THIS WEEKEND. The twice-yearly Wee-Trade children's consignment show & sale begins this Saturday Feb. 4th from 9am to 6pm, and again on Sunday from noon to 5:00. With 1,500 vendors this huge consignment sale has tons of bargains in children's clothing, toys, games, books, and big-ticket items such as strollers & furniture. This is a very well-organized event, and is held in the large Davis building at the WNC Ag Center, across from Asheville airport. During the following week they re-stock and hold the sale again on Friday Feb. 10th from 10am to 6pm, with many items marked up to 50% off. They conclude on Saturday Feb. 11th from 8am to 3pm. Many items left at the conclusion of the sale are donated to various local community out-reaches. Christine Pace welcomes your inquiries, as she attends with her daughter each year. "I do some birthday shopping here" she says "Some items are new with tags, at only a fraction of the original price."
Find out all about Cedar Mountain at our website www.cedarmountaincommunitycenter.com. The Cedar Mountain News, a list of businesses and attractions can be found on the website along with a calendar of events for the area.
Call now to reserve while your date is still available. Call Facility Events Coordinator, Deborah Perkins, at 828-885-7878 for information or reservations.
A year ago this week I removed everything from my den/office/guest room. It only took a year to get it repainted and restored to order. (The vanity that was in there is now my entertainment center.) At least now I have a guest bedroom again. My daughter and granddaughter are coming in May so I am ready.
I use instant coffee and sometimes with the humidity it solidifies in the jar. I poured a cup of water into the jar, let it dissolve into a concentrated coffee liqueur and now use it for iced coffee and a coffee flavored shake made with vanilla ice-cream. Yummy. Store in frig. - It never goes bad. I also use it for hot coffee.
We’d love to hear what’s going on in your life or in the community if you would like to share. Please send all news to cedarmountainnews@gmail.com. All news for next week should be sent by Monday afternoon to be published in Thursday’s paper.