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The theme for our 2018 calendar is local wildlife so grab your camera and see what you can find. Anything that walks, crawls, slithers or flies qualifies. Photos must be submitted by May 31st and be emailed to If you have questions please call Clint Owings 828-883-9707 or 864-380-7759. Lots of photos have been received but there is still time to submit yours. Calendars should be ready for sale by our potluck/meeting on July 10th.


My exchange is absolutely flying by! I feel like I turned my head in January then I look and it’s already May. After the long winter break (which is the equivalent to American summer break) I started the 2nd grade of Korean high school with all my classmates. The class work is more intense and the atmosphere is more focused on studying over things like ethics classes but I'm still enjoying school. As the year has passed, my Korean has improved so I'm able to better communicate with my classmates. Even though I don't really have many close Korean friends in my class, its still fun to be part of my desk mates' conversations.

I've also started attending classes at a ballet school which was really exciting for me because my Brevard Ballet community was definitely one of those I missed the most. The classes are mostly adult classes so they aren't as intense as I'm used to but are still fun to be apart of. I also take classes with much younger students twice a week and as I’ve gotten to know the girls better they've started calling me 'unnie' or 'older sister' in Korean and those classes are one of the highlights of my week.

When I come back I'm going to start my senior year at Brevard High so I've also devoted a lot of my time to studying for the SAT and ACT and try to keep some subjects fresh in my mind for when I come back. I'm very glad I came into high school with a few credits so I can graduate with my class and only have a slightly more packed schedule.

A lot of people have asked me what the South Koreans think about the North Korean situation right now. In fact, a Mexican exchange student has gone home because his parents were afraid of what could happen. From what I can tell and have gathered, the US is a lot more stressed about North Korea than South Korea is. When I asked my coordinator about what was going to happen he laughed and said it was fine. I've mostly gotten similar responses from my classmates and host parents. They all are pretty convinced that North Korea thinks it’s in their best interest not to attack. I've also been told by someone in the South Korean government that, for multiple reasons (with China at the center), the North won't do anything at least until 2020. I admit I was quite concerned but after hearing their opinion and explanation I feel pretty comfortable and that the rest of my exchange will go smoothly.

TOUR DE FALLS The annual Mother's Day "Tour de Falls" fund-raising event at the DuPont State Recreational Forest was once again a huge success this past weekend; David Brown reports that there were about 420 attendees for the tour. Turn out was better on Sunday due to the exceptional weather. This event is held twice a year, the next being in the fall near leaf-looking season.


The highly successful summer series of 100 year old secular songs will be held Sunday afternoon, June 4th, at historic McGaha Chapel at Cedar Mountain. The time is set at 2:30 pm (note the time change from the previous 2 pm starting times). The singing will last precisely 45 minutes, followed by a watermelon slicing outside the 1872 Chapel. Come enjoy singing songs your Grandmamma taught you, including cheerful "rounds." Signs on US 276 South will identify the Chapel, parking, and shuttle location. The Sing is supported by the Transylvania County Historical Society, Cedar Mountain, Sherwood Forest and other surrounding communities. Questions? Contact Marcy Thompson at the Transylvania County Library, or Charles Burden.

TALENT NIGHT JUNE 12TH Be sure to practice your routine now for the annual "Talent Night" at the Cedar Mountain Community Center's June community meeting, the second Monday in June, June 12th. Bring a covered dish to share to the center by 6:15 pm so we can all eat at 6:30pm. As this is talent night, maybe you will get a little creative with the presentation of your dish? The "show" will begin shortly after 7:00pm. We encourage you to bring a friend or neighbor for an evening of great fun. To schedule your act please email Christine Pace at Or call Christine between 5:30 - 7:30pm at (828)885-2103

Also at the community meetings you may purchase a copy of the booklet "A Trip to Cloudland", written in the late 1870's about a trip made here by a few gentlemen; one of who’s accounts are wonderfully remembered. One can imagine the sights they saw in the Cedar Mountain "wilderness". See Beth Owings for a copy; all proceeds benefit the community center's continued upkeep and improvements.

FAITH MEMORIAL CHURCH REOPENS The Memorial Day weekend means the lovely open-sided Faith Memorial Chapel will again be open for the season with services held each Sunday at 11:00am. All are invited to sit among the flowers and singing birds and hear from a traveling minister of a different denomination each week; schedules will be available at the first service on Sunday May 28th. The first service of the year is always brought by the pastor of Rocky Hill Baptist Church, and this year will be brought by Dr. Leland Holland. Faith Memorial Chapel is located on Stone's Lake Road off Hwy. 276(Greenville Hwy) across from the Cedar Mountain Fire Department.

CHRISTINE'S CORNER: Our own columnist Linda Young had knee surgery this week. Wishing you a speedy recovery, Linda. Sadly her kitty went missing a week ago but neighbors will be on the look-out for her hopeful return while Linda is recuperating.


This past weekend was crowded nicely, with families visiting their moms for Mother's Day, and some bringing them to the popular Tour de Falls. At Rocky Hill Baptist Church the pews were full of smiling families. Welcome all, to beautiful Cedar Mountain, NC.

"FRIENDS FOR LIFE" GIFT SHOP Friends for Life is a non-profit organization that takes in the pets nobody else wants, due to their age or needs etc. This is a beautiful farm area in the upper part of our county, and they depend on our support. One way they work to earn money is with their gift shop, located in Brevard off the 4-lane, across from Creekside Subs (on the left, just before Burger King). If you haven't been in there since their re-opening earlier this year you will be impressed, as was I, by the clean, bright appearance and quality items offered for sale. How can you help? Please remember them when donating to great causes, as this is tax-deductible; or donate gently-used items for them to sell; or volunteer. They need folks to commit to working at the gift shop for just 2 half-day sessions a month. Stop in and say "hello" when in Brevard.

FLOWER SHOP Have you noticed the ever-growing Flower Shop inside Brevard's Ingles store? Our "neighbor" Gwynneth Britt, columnist of the Dunn's Rock column, is the designer/decorator of the flower shop, and she has one of the most eye-catching displays I have ever seen. She orders really unique items and flowers and plants of all kinds, and it's a pleasure just to walk in. Way to go Gwynneth. She's usually there so please say "hello" next time you see her.

REMINDER I feel that by the time you get here to the end of my raves, you may have forgotten what you already read. Is this true? If so, may I kindly remind you to please contact me if you have a talent to share at next month's community meeting; listed in the Talent Night June 12th paragraph above. I look forward to seeing the amazing talent our community has each year.


I am saddened that my Kallie Kat has disappeared. You don’t realize how much a pet means to you until it’s gone. I let her outside at about 7:30 pm last Thursday night and so far no news. I have put up LOST CAT posters in my area in the hope someone will see her. I did meet some neighbors that I had not met before which was nice. They promised to call if they saw her. My neighbor, Joyce Gula, has offered to take calls regarding Kallie in my absence. Her number is 828-862-5775. You couldn’t find a more conscientious neighbor and friend. She is Kallie’s number one fan (after me). Thank you, Joyce.

What’s happening with you or in the community? We’d love to hear what’s going on, if you would like to share. Please email your news to by noon on Monday this week.


Lost in the vicinity of

Seldon Emerson and Solomon Jones Roads

in Cedar Mountain

Wearing Red collar

With outdated rabies tag

(Her shots are current though)

May answer to “kitty, kitty”

An offer of food especially

a bit of chicken may get her attention

In my absence

Calls regarding Kallie are being taken by Joyce at 828-862-5775

Linda Young

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