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Our Monday night BBQ had a great turnout. The BBQ was donated by Jeff Caughey. Thanks Jeff, it was appreciated and delicious. $900 was raised with Bread of Life, Sharing House and S.A.F.E. each receiving $300.00. Leftover BBQ meat was taken to Bread of Life.


A short meeting was held to announce candidates for our November election of officers and board members. The slate for officers is Susan Lawson for President; Clint Owings for VP; Linda Young for Secretary; Treasurer Hank Bayles; Candy Gray and Kim Coran for board members. The slate is open for other candidates and nominations will be accepted from the floor on Monday, November 13th. Voting will then take place.

November 13th will be our Thanksgiving Dinner and our last meeting till Spring. Meats will be provided by the center. Thanksgiving themed covered dishes are encouraged so bring on that favorite pumpkin pie, cranberry sauce and any other family favorites.

The center will remain open for other events through the winter. Call Deborah Perkins at 828-885-7878 for information and reservations.


Our program, presented by Charles Burden and Patty Stahl was a continuation of the search for the Johnstone Turnpike and for the rail bed for the Carolina, Knoxville and Western Railway that was never completed. For more information on this railroad go to,_Knoxville_and_Western_Railway.

The search and exploration team consisted of Charles and Elke Burden, Brenda Wiley, Doug Pace and Patty Stahl who are walking the turnpike all the way to Brevard in increments. This section of the program ended at Seeoff.

The stories about old homes, hotels and residents along the way were fascinating.


The Cedar Mountain Fire/Rescue Department Auxiliary will be hosting a blood drive from 8:30am to 12:30pm on Saturday October 14th at the station.


The Hemlock Woolly Adelgid is a serious invasive pest that is decimating the hemlocks in our forests. If you have hemlocks on your property and you'd like to better understand how you can treat them for these pests on your own in an efficient and cost effective manner, then this class is for you.

Join the staff of the Transylvania Cooperative Extension on Friday October 27th at 3:30 at the Faith Memorial Chapel in Cedar Mountain, NC for a hands-on class on treating your hemlocks. We'll learn a variety of methods on how to save your hemlocks.

Please RSVP by calling Transylvania County Cooperative Extension at 828-884-3109 or email


Sunday evenings we are holding a special Bible Study entitled "Flickering Lamps" starting at 6:00pm.

​ Saturday October 28th at 5pm at the church there will be treat bags, hot chocolate and activities for children and chili for all. Come and enjoy the fun evening.

Sunday October 29th 2RMORE will be our 11:00am worship service guests. Come and be inspired by their national recording music ministry. ​

Then stay for our fellowship Pot Luck dinner. A Love offering will be taken for 2RMORE.

There will be no evening service.

OCTOBER CELEBRATIONS: BIRTHDAYS: Our community is aging as evidenced by these good folks having a birthday this month: James(Bud)Bishop gained another year on October 2nd; Jacob Smith and Clyde Stahl each celebrated on Sunday the 8th; Pastor Dan Ray will celebrate on the 14th, and Jacob's dad Jeff Smith gains a year on the 18th. Happy birthday to all! ANNIVERSARIES: Don & Jeanne Hayes are now just one year away from celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary as they celebrated their 49th on October 5th. On Tuesday the 10th Tom & Angie (Skerrett) Beeker celebrated another year of wedded bliss. Robert & Suzanne Lawson will celebrate on October 23rd; Randy & Elisa Pace on the 25th; and Odell & Antje Owen on October 26th. Congratulations & Best Wishes to each couple! NEW DEACONS AT ROCKY HILL Two new Deacons will be ordained soon at Rocky Hill Baptist Church; these are John "Doug" Pace and Robert Lawson. God bless you, fine gentlemen.

DOUG PACE Doug Pace should be home from St. Joseph's hospital (Asheville, NC) by the time you read this, following surgery on his toe. Thankfully it is on his left foot and his vehicle is an automatic, because there's no slowing Doug down! Please relax Doug, and heal quickly. LIBRARY BOOK SALE The book sale held at the Transylvania county library in Brevard will continue this week, with Thursday becoming half-price day, and even more specials Friday & Saturday. Held in the large Rogow room during normal library hours, there are tons of books from which to choose! The library's phone number is (828)884-3151. CHRISTINE'S CORNER: My "corners" have increased since my dear husband passed, and I admit there are some days better than others. But I do so love the "corners" in this home we moved to just over one year ago. Joe loved them too! So now I must learn how to do new things, and "alone" things, and am filling some of these empty hours in books; reading, especially the Good Book, and also more from my favorite author Gilbert Morris. I wonder if anyone else reading this column enjoys Mr. Morris's series as much as I do? Luckily our library has a great deal of books & whole series by this author. I am a "Friend of the Library" and so was able to attend the book sale the Friday evening before it was opened to the public. Yet with hundreds of books still in boxes under the many tables, there was no way to preview all the books on that night. Indeed I expect to find many during this week that were not available in the first few days. There are books on every subject, many like new! I hope you'll find time to drop into the Rogow room at our fabulous library this week through Saturday. You may want to consider joining the Friends of the Library group yourself and can do so for only $15.00 per year. I hope to be able to help set up when they do their next book sale. On to the weather! Wow we have had a quick drop in night temps then returning as quickly to summertime temp's once again. On Sunday evening we finally got rain, and a lot of it! Most of Cedar Mountain lost power for quite a while too. And the fog this past Sunday morning was so thick you could cut it with a knife! Wonder how that saying originated? I have two dogs that do not like heavy rain, or strong wind, and especially thunderstorms! I had to sit up with big Burley, our golden retriever, and Jack, the corgi mix until late Sunday evening. Heidi is our oldest dog, at age 17, and isn't bothered at all, though part of that could be because she is mostly deaf and blind now. And our little yippy Chihuahua doesn't get scared and actually hushes up when her "brothers" are nervous because of the weather. Finally there's Moe, Joe's cat. He's a swell cat as far as cats go, even though I'm not particularly into "house" cats. But this one's OK. He is friendly to everyone while not being a pest, and has finally stopped jumping up on every high place in the house. That could be because he has gotten rather fat. But storms do not bother him, and "that's a good thing", to quote Martha Stewart. Is everybody ready for winter, and the holidays that come during the season? Let me or Linda Young know if you have anything we can talk about! And if I've missed your birthday or anniversary please email it to me at Thank you!

CORRECTION: HOURS AT SHARING HOUSE Part of a sentence was left out last week when I said the hours at Sharing House, where I was donating some winter items, were from 11 am to 5:30 pm. This is the Tuesday hours only! The rest of the week they open earlier.


Dominic, from Cathy's Creek Electric installed a new ceiling fan for last week. He did a wonderful job, was very clean, (took off his shoes when he came in the door) and was very personable. After the second trip to his vehicle I told him to leave his shoes on because I needed to vacuum anyway. I was surprised to see him drill a 12(?) inch hole in my beamed ceiling through a box so that the debris went in the box. He even offered to vacuum, what missed the box, for me. He had to crawl through my attic to put the fan where I wanted it. No small feat. This business is to be commended for timeliness and efficiency. Dominic deserves a raise.

In the meantime I am waiting to hear from a plumber who had an appointment with me Monday at 9 am. He hasn’t showed up nor has he called me back yet.

What’s happening with you or in the community? We’d love to hear what’s going on, if you would like to share. Please email your news to by 6 pm on Mondays (or earlier if there is a holiday) for inclusion in the Thursday edition of the Transylvania Times

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