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The caption for the photo of the three ladies working at the post office identified Marilyn Compton as Candy Gray. Marilyn worked hard on Saturday. Thank you for your hard work everyone.


November 13th will be our Thanksgiving Dinner and our last meeting at the community center until Spring. Meats will be provided by the center. Thanksgiving themed covered dishes are encouraged so bring on that favorite pumpkin pie, cranberry sauce and any other family favorites.

The center will remain open for other events through the winter. Call Deborah Perkins at 828-885-7878 for information and reservations.


The Hemlock Woolly Adelgid is a serious invasive pest that is decimating the hemlocks in our forests. If you have hemlocks on your property and you'd like to better understand how you can treat them for these pests on your own in an efficient and cost effective manner, then this class is for you.

Join the staff of the Transylvania Cooperative Extension on Friday October 27th at 3:30 at the Faith Memorial Chapel in Cedar Mountain, NC for a hands-on class on treating your hemlocks. We'll learn a variety of methods on how to save your hemlocks.

Please RSVP by calling Transylvania County Cooperative Extension at 828-884-3109 or email

NEW AMERICAN! Christine Pace is excited to announce that her amazing daughter-in-law Danilea Araujo Jones(pictured above, with her son Levi) is now an American Citizen! Daniela has lived in the states for almost 20 year's, and just last Thursday became an American. She & her husband (Christine's son Matthew Jones) took their son Levi out of school to observe this great event, where Daniela says there were "thirty-five different countries represented". Daniela first came to the United States as an exchange student while in high school, then moved here after school. She was a teacher of Portuguese, English, and Spanish in Florida for many years, where she met and married Matthew, over 12 year's ago. They moved to Matthews, NC eight year's ago, where Levi was born. Currently Daniela is attending UNC-Charlotte to get her Master's in English. Congratulations Daniela! ROCKY HILL CHURCH NEWS: Choir practice has begun for this year's Christmas cantata, with Lenoir Bishop as director. If you'd like to perform with the Rocky Hill Baptist Church choir please come to the church around 7:15pmWednesdays, or call (828)862-5611. They'd love to have you! This past Sunday the Broyhill Baptist Children's Home from Clyde, NC performed at our 11ammorning service. It is always a treat when they come to our community and share their experiences and tell of the 'home. A generous love offering was taken for them, and lunch was provided the children and adults who traveled here. This Sunday, October 29th, at the 11am service will be a new-Deacon's Ordination, with Dr. Mike Miller presenting the Deacon's Challenge to our two newest deacon's, Doug Pace and Robert Lawson. All are invited to this special service. Finally, I wish to mention that the pastor of Rocky Hill, Dr. Leland Holland, along with his wife Deb, have been in Indiana where Dr. Holland's mother is gravely ill. Prayers are offered them on their safe travel back to Cedar Mountain. HALLOWEEN IN TRANSYLVANIA Several events are planned for this weekend in and around Transylvania county. Please check with local churches directly to see if they are having any special events. Here are those I know of at press time:

The Library in Brevard will show the movie "Hotel Transylvania" in their outdoor Amphitheater on October 28th at 7pm. In case of rain the movie will be shown in the spacious Rogow Room inside the library. The library's phone number is (828)884-3151 . Silvermont Mansion on East Main Street Brevard has special Halloween-themed events all along their outdoor grounds, from 7 - 9pm Friday & Saturday evenings, Oct. 27th & 28th. Cost is $5. On Saturday October 28th is the annual "Halloweenfest" celebration in downtown Brevard, with fun-filled events, music and competitions. It begins with the "Flight of the Vampire" 5k & 10k Fun Run at 8am. Then at 10am the Halloweenfest begins with activities all along east & west main streets. From 1 to 2pm there will be trick or treating in downtown Brevard and at 4pm there is a pet costume contest. At the Trade-Arama you can register at 10am to have your costume judged, with judging taking place at 10:45, and winners announced at 11:15 at the West Main Stage. There's a pumpkin carving contest at 3pm, and of course Transylvania has to hold an all-day Blood Drive! The Transylvania Heritage Museum at 189 West Main Street will hold Ghost Story Tours on Saturday at 4, 5 & 6pm. Reservations are required by calling (828)884-2347. There is a $5./person fee for this. Happy Halloween everyone!


Headed back to “the house” on Monday. I had a very nice visit with my daughter and family in Illinois. We enjoyed a stroll around downtown Galena, IL which is chock full of restaurants, art and gift shops. We also made a trip to Edward’s Apple Orchard which is quite the destination and a family tradition that goes back 40+ years. You can have warm-from-the-oven homemade apple pie and lots of other goodies. I bought some apple cider donuts. Excellent!

Saturday was probably the last hurrah for summer weather. It was sunny with sparse clouds and a temp of 81. Sunday it rained all day.

What’s happening with you or in the community? We’d love to hear what’s going on, if you would like to share.

Please email your news to by 6 pm on Sunday this week. I will be traveling on Monday.

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