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Monday, November 13th will be our Thanksgiving Dinner and our last meeting at the community center until spring. Meats will be provided by the center. Thanksgiving themed covered dishes are encouraged so bring on that favorite pumpkin pie, cranberry sauce and any other traditional family favorites. The center will remain open for other events through the winter. Call Deborah Perkins at 828-885-7878 for information and reservations.


Cedar Mountain Antiques will be open until the end of the year Wednesday - Saturday 11 - 4. Furniture, Mexican pottery, rugs, and textiles as well as the art work of owner Richie Wilkinson are featured. Come in and see the exhibit of portraits of some of your neighbors.

SHERWOOD FOREST LADIES GOLF LEAGUE – Championship Playoff October 26th

Front 9 - Playoff among our three members with the lowest handicaps - Peggy Baldwin, Georgia Osterc and Lin Kolb. The championship was won by Georgia Osterc, by one stroke.



Yes it was Halloween this week, and made especially spooky-looking due to the high waters in our local streams. We have had enough rain for a little while! Some higher elevations even saw snow this week!

There was a sighting Sunday at Rocky Hill Baptist Church, of former DuPont Forest Superintendent David Brown too! Not so spooky, but he did disappear before church let out and several were looking for him afterward in vain. Asking David via email, he replied that he had to meet someone nearby and, as church was going on a bit longer (more on that below), he scooted out a few minutes early without anyone noticing!

The children enjoyed a Halloween scavenger hunt, cupcake walk, pizza and chili on Wednesday, October 25th during Team KIDS at Rocky Hill church. Attached is a photo of three of the children in costume standing on the big rock at the church.


This Sunday, November 5th, Rocky Hill Baptist Church will celebrate The Lord's Supper with communion during the 11:00am worship service, which will be followed by a covered-dish lunch afterward in the Family Life Center building next door. All are invited. Your covered dish can be dropped off before the 11am service.

ROCKY HILL BAPTIST CHURCH All who attending the Sunday morning worship service enjoyed hearing Doug Pace and Robert Lawson give moving testimonies of their service to our Lord, and their growth in their Faith and willingness to be of service to others. Dr. Mike Miller, missionary leader for the Transylvania Baptist Association, visited Rocky Hill and gave Doug & Robert the "Deacon Challenge", as they became the two newest deacon's of Rocky Hill. This was a very meaningful event. The whole church went up front following dismissal to tell Doug and Robert what they mean to them.

Several visitors attended Rocky Hill on Sunday too, including Leah Taylor Jones of Clearwater Florida, and Tommy Taylor of Florence South Carolina. Oh, and of course there was that sighting of David Brown! He sat next to me (Christine) in the choir and I'm happy to report his singing voice is still as clear as ever.


Many know that Dr. Leland Holland, pastor of Rocky Hill church, and his wife Deb have been traveling north to visit his mother, who had been placed into Hospice as she grew more ill. After a visit of several days they left to come back to North Carolina when Pastor Leland got a call to "return to your mom quickly" which they did. His mother, Anita, passed away the very next day, surrounded by her loving family.


I was surprised when I got home last Tuesday and found my 6.5 inches rain gauge had run over. My neighbor, Susan, said we had over 7 inches. We have had even more rain since then. Glad I live high and dry on Duncan Mountain.

President, Clint Owings, advised everyone that the Cedar Mountain Community Center nearly flooded and that our new landscape timbers were nearly washed away. He has since “nailed” them down with rebar.Part of the problem was people speeding through the water and causing waves toward the center.

During my visit to Illinois a friend’s cat made itself at home on my lap for an evening. I was smitten and didn’t have an allergic reaction. My resolve to never have another cat is rapidly dissolving.

What’s happening with you or in the community? We’d love to hear what’s going on, if you would like to share. Please email your news to by 6 pm on Monday this week.

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