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A Bird house contest (First Annual?) was held at the Cedar Mountain Community Center last Saturday. The 18 entries were a wonderful sight to see. We have a lot of talented artists in this community.

Some of the winners were:

Best of Show - Sarah Dearbaugh and family

1st place, kids – Bella, Eva, Della and Taylor Reilly

1st Place – adult – Mimi Frances

2nd Place – adult - John Lawson

3rd Place – adult - Chad Better

Honorable Mention – Cal Brown


A blood drive will be held at the Cedar Mountain Fire Station on Saturday, August 22 from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm. Everyone will need to park behind the fire station and be screened before coming in the back door. There is an ongoing critical need for blood as many are not leaving their homes. It is strongly encouraged to come to donate in this time of great need.


A drive-through Barbecue Dinner will be held Saturday, August 29th at the front of the Cedar Mountain Community Center. A donation of $10 per meal is suggested.

Our new pavilion is expected to be complete by then.


We expect to have our 2021 calendars available for sale at the BBQ on August 29th. The suggested donation is $15 each. Due to the popularity of historical content, the theme will once again represent Cedar Mountain’s past. We want to thank those who have shared the many old photos that have made this calendar possible.


Brave Friday (PG) (8/14) and The Waterboy (PG13) Monday (8/17)

Bring your own lawn chair, beverages, and snacks if you wish. The movies start at 9 p.m. Call Creekside Market at 828-885-2810 for more information.


League results for Aug. 10: Nineteen golfers played the back nine, grouped by similar handicaps, in a game of "Low Net." The game winner was Ginny Boettcher with a net score of 25. Three players had low gross scores of 36: Georgia Osterc, Carol Mitchell, and Nancy Waclawek.


Homecoming at Rocky Hill on Sunday, August 23rd, will be different this year. Congregants need to wear masks, wash their hands and practice social distancing to protect themselves and others.

A radio will be tuned to FM 87.9 in the Family Life Center for overflow. Those who prefer to stay in their vehicles may listen on their car radio. The radio station reaches up to one & one-half miles from the church.

Homecoming services will begin at 10:30 am. There will be no bulletin. Music will predominate with special singing as well. A visiting preacher, Ralph Lee, will give the message and read a list of "remembrances" of church members who have passed this past year.

Offering plates will be placed inside the front door. No meal or fellowship will take place following Homecoming services. Everyone is welcome!

CHRISTINE'S CORNER by Christine Pace It's just a habit; I brush my teeth and put on a dab of lipstick before leaving my home. Then when I get to the store I put on a mask! So who knows that I have a lovely shade of lipstick surrounding my pearly-whites? In Cedar Mountain this past week I enjoyed eating breakfast outdoors with a friend at Creekside Market Saturday morning, after dropping off my birdhouses for the first Sherwood Forest/Cedar Mountain Community Center birdhouse contest. Breakfast was great but the real treat was in seeing all the creative birdhouse entries at noon, when the winners were announced! Best in Show went to the Dearbaugh family; Adam, Sarah, Hannah and Blake and their young cousin Micha Lee. Their birdhouse was a combination of the best of Cedar Mountain, including a vintage Cedar Mountain license plate as the roof. The Dearbaugh family gathered lots of natural items to add to their large creation too. First place adult was a hand-carved mountain-man's face on the front of an elaborate and equally-large birdhouse! The birdhouses entered by young & old were great, and it is with anticipation that next year's birdhouse contest will be equally enjoyable & creative! Sarah Yarborough Dearbaugh dedicated her family's birdhouse to Deb Pruitt, mother of Wendy (manager of Creekside Market) who passed away last year, leaving her art supplies to Sarah & her Studio 276. What a great remembrance. I am moving to a new location in Cedar Mountain this month, and am happy to report having 7 friends living within 7/10 of a mile from me! Their pet's names are Lucky, Rain, Buck, Nozee, and Buddy. Can you guess the road? In my new digs I have a large entrance room that will become my art studio. I hope to get enough painting & sculpting done there to open my first "etsy" shop! I'll concentrate on gourds and cypress knee art for the shop. I'll be working on lots of gourd Santa ornaments (necklaces) in September! Finally, let me mention here that I have a surgical procedure later this month; the doctors don't know how big of a surgery this will be until they "get inside". I appreciate your prayers for my surgery. For a couple weeks I will miss adding my "news" to this column, during my recovery, so please be sure to send your news into Linda Young at: You can send me a note too if you wish, at



This would be the 2nd time I “missed” an earthquake. All I know is that something woke me up a little after 8 am. I missed another time when I was on a street corner in Rockford, IL. A big truck rolled by just as the earthquake struck so I had no idea it had happened. When I got back to the office co-workers said the office plants were swaying.

We did experience ice quakes in the winter here a few years ago. That was weird and disturbing.

Thank you for reading The Cedar Mountain News. Your contributions and comments are encouraged and welcome. We’d like to hear what’s going on if you would like to share. Please email your news or any questions to by Monday evening.

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