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Cedar Mountain News for 3-16-23



Cedar Mountain resident, Shelia Dean “Mimi” Bentley Bayles, 73, passed away peacefully in her sleep surrounded by her loving family and friends on Wednesday, Feb. 1, 2023. A celebration of life was held March 11, 2023 at Rocky Hill Baptist Church in Cedar Mountain. The church was filled to capacity with family and friends. The Rocky Hill Choir sang, Sheila’s favorite song, The Eastern Gate. It was a beautiful service.


On Saturday March 18th from 8 am to 11 am the CMFRD Auxiliary will be serving blueberry and regular pancakes, there will be both turkey and pork sausage and beverages. Donations will be used to purchase fire/rescue equipment


The next Cedar Mountain Fire Rescue Blood Drive is Saturday, April 15, 2023, 08:30 AM - 12:30 PM. Sign up site is


Our next event of the season will be our Pot Luck Mon, April 10, 6:30pm – 8:00pm. Bring a dish to share if you can. Dishes need to be on the tables ready to serve by 6:15 pm.


A benefit for Nathalie Britt will be held on Saturday March 18th at 4:00pm in the cafeteria of Rosman High School. Nathalie, a local Paramedic, is undergoing extensive treatment for cancer. She is the daughter of Hank & Robin Moffitt. A BBQ dinner, raffle, silent auction, bingo, and live music will be available. Thank you for your support! For more information, or to make a donation, please contact Doreen Blake at (828)577-4767.


Transylvania CountyParks and Recreation, at 1078 Ecusta Road, Brevard is hosting a Corn Hole Tournament as a fundraiser for the Land of the Waterfalls Silver Arts and Senior Games. This Tournament will take place on Saturday, April 1, 2023, 2:00 P.M. - 5:00 P.M. To sign up: See Brenda at Silvermont or Dale at Parks and Recreation or register online at WWW.Countyrec.Org

This is an intergenerational family fun event for ages 15 and older. We will offer singles and doubles play. The entry fee is $15.00 per person at Transylvania County Parks and Recreation. You can contact Brenda Skeffington, Recreation Coordinator for Silvermont at Transylvania County Parks and Recreation, at




Transylvania County is holding an online auction of surplus items. The online auction site is There is also a link to this site on the Transylvania County Website at The online auction will be held from 7:00 am on Wednesday March 22, 2023 until 7:00 pm on Wednesday, April 12th, 2023. Please contact Jennifer Galloway at the Finance Office, Transylvania County Administration Building, 101 South Broad Street, Brevard, NC 28712, at 828-884-3104. Jennifer L. Galloway, Purchasing Coordinator


Men’s Golf League - The Sherwood Forest Men’s Golf League will begin play April 5.

The league is made up of a diverse group of men of all capabilities who enjoy golf and like to have fun. We welcome new members and offer spring, summer, and fall sessions. If you are looking for a fun way to meet friends, get outdoors and stay fit, please come join us this year. Sherwood Forest Golf Club is a par 3, 18 hole golf course located off Hwy 276 (Greenville Hwy) across from the Cedar Mountain Outpost. Please come join us for a round at 11am during the month of March and meet some of the guys you’d be playing with when the league begins April 5th. If you think you might have any interest, please contact Tim Johnston at or call/text 828 FIT.778.7061. We play Wednesdays. So if anyone would like to join us before league play begins, some of us will be playing at11am on Wednesdays in March.


The Sherwood Forest Ladies Golf League starts its new season on April 3. Do you live anywhere in the county? Do you play golf, or are you interested in learning and getting better? Most important, are you looking for a fun way to meet friends, get outdoors, and stay fit? If the answer to any of these questions is YES, then come on out and join the Sherwood Forest Ladies Golf League. We are a ladies 9-hole league playing Monday mornings April through October. Sherwood Forest Golf Course is a par 3 scenic course on Greenville Highway (across from the Cedar Mountain Outpost) where all levels of players are welcome. We also play for fun during the off-season, so come join us during the winter Mondays at 11 a.m. (pending frost delays) and see if this is for you. If you are interested, please contact Sue Wojcik at or call or text 908-330-9842. We’d love to meet you!

AROUND THE HOUSE by Linda Packer Young

Our Florida vacation with our cats Nozee and Buddy.

When we got to the new campsite in Zephyrhills, Fl on 2-25 the office was closed and they didn’t leave any lot numbers where we could set up. Coming down stairs from the office, my honey took a spill. I waved down a resident who kindly helped me get him up. Good thing I brought a lot of Band-Aids with us. He got several scrapes and bruised his ribs. In my haste I had left the motor home door open. When I turned around I saw that Buddy was out and was headed under the Infirmary (motor home). I managed to grab his tail before he got underneath and got him back in the Infirmary. Thanks to the residents and the maintenance department we finally got our paperwork from the office. A little later we noticed Nozee didn’t come out when I put the cat food down. Thinking he may have escaped too we went back down to the office where I called and called him without response. Back the Infirmary I searched every nook and cranny for him finally finding, him (quite comfy) in a bottom drawer. He wasn’t a bit disturbed by the situation. This cat can get himself into or behind anything.

Earlier in the trip, Buddy who weighs 20lbs got stuck under the sofa bed. He was able to get in at gap at the top of the sofa by gravity but couldn’t get out. The previous owner of the RV had stuffed the pull out strap that opens the sofa inside where it couldn’t be reached. My honey was finally able to pull the bottom panel out far enough that Buddy could squeeze out. Whew. More cat and other tails (tales) later.

At least we had two whole weeks of summer before returning to winter.


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