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This Saturday, September 16th, the doors will open at 8 a.m. at the Cedar Mountain Community Center for the annual “Community Flea Market”. Tables have been reserved by folks ready to send their “treasures” to a new home: yours! We also have furniture for sale and some larger business items. Come see what you can’t do without! Doors will be open until 1 p.m. with possible last-minute markdowns in the last half hour. That’s up to each individual. For more info or if you have an item you wish to donate please call Christine Pace at (828)885-2103 and leave a message. See you Saturday!


Why is it so important to have a successful blood drive? Blood donations are used for patients requiring surgery, receiving cancer treatments, experiencing traumatic blood loss, and those who have severe burns. The Cedar Mountain Fire Rescue/ Auxiliary holds regularly scheduled blood drives and they are given donation goals by the Red Cross. During their last drive in August, donations exceeded goals! Donors from Travelers Rest and Cliff Ridge in South Carolina, and donors from Cedar Mountain (of course) all the way to Brevard enabled us to meet that goal. Sincere thanks to all individuals who participated in the life-saving efforts of medical personnel.

The CMFR Auxiliary’s next blood drive is scheduled for October 21st in the CMFR training room from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Please mark your calendars, register at the Red Cross website, and come help in our valiant efforts.


Did you know that fall is the best time to plant North Carolina native perennials, shrubs, trees, ferns, and grasses in your garden? Planting in the fall gives time for plants to establish their root systems prior to the growing season. It gives us the opportunity to thin our gardens to optimize a successful spring season. This year it also gives us the opportunity to contribute to the beautification of the garden at the Cedar MountainCommunity Center. If you have any plants that you think would work well in the Cedar MountainCommunity Center gardens and would like to donate some in the October time frame, please contact Deborah Perkins at 828-556-0055 by phone or text so we can plan a coordinated effort.


With a sad heart, we report the passing of Ellen Ray Lee, a long-time resident of Cedar Mountain. She was a brilliantly talented musician and devoted mother and grandmother. The daughter of Hallie and Mike Arant, Ellen spent her childhood summers in Cedar Mountain with her family at their summer home “Mt. Hi” near Dead Man’s Curve. Her summer days were spent with family and friends swimming at Stone’s Lake, hiking to Corn Mill Shoals and HighFalls, walking to the Hi Bunyan Store for ice cream, and attending church and VBS at Rocky Hill Baptist Church. She also spent the summer seasons as a teenage student under a scholarship at the Brevard Music Center.

Ellen later returned to Cedar Mountain as a full-time resident and became very active in the community and as a volunteer in the classrooms of her children. She was the choir director at Rocky HillBaptist Church and accompanied hymns with her viola. She also gave music lessons to the children of the church and community. Her commitment to introducing young people to

the joys of playing stringed instruments led to the development of the public school after-school program known as Transylvania Youth Strings that today is known as the Mountain School of Strings. Ellen’s legacy continues. And she was the baker of delicious biscuits at the Saturday morning breakfasts at the church.

Ellen later opened the Cedar MountainWelcome Center and Mountain Living Realty along US Hwy 276, providing maps, snacks, and directions to travelers. She directed the Easter Sunrise Cantatas with the Rocky Hill Choir at Pretty Place and joined the choir with her viola on a particularly cold sunrise service in 2007 that we will never forget.

On Saturday, September 9th, Ellen’s husband Mike, her four children, and 12 grandchildren celebrated her life with a family graveside service in the Rocky Hill cemetery and a music-filled celebration of her life in the FamilyLife Center. Cars were parked everywhere, and family and friends shared memories, stories, and songs. Ellen was truly loved and admired, and we will miss her.


The Sherwood Forest Ladies Golf League held a Team Low Net game on the back nine on September 11. The weather was beautiful, making for a great day of golf. Karen Gleasman, Judith Davis, and Carol Mitchell were the winning team, with Diane Garvey having the low gross score and Carol Mitchell having the low net score. The regular play for the season will continue for two more weeks, followed by the club championship and a three-clubs-only round on October 2. After the game, there will be lunch and prizes awarded at the Cedar Mountain Outpost. On September 18, the front nine will be played with registration starting at 9:30 and play beginning at 10. Everyone is welcome to come out and enjoy the game.


Looking for a venue to host a community event or meeting? Contact Caroline Chambers at 828-290-9662 to schedule. The CedarMountain Community Center is the perfect place for residents and visitors to gather, with a variety of events held throughout the year. From monthly summer potluck dinners to cooking classes and special occasions, The Center offers an opportunity to get involved and become part of the Cedar Mountain Community. Come join us for food, fun, and a variety of events!

NOT AROUND THE HOUSE by Linda Packer Young

As of Tuesday, all is well with our trip. Thank goodness. It’s been partly sunny or partly cloudy except for a couple of showers. The weather has turned cool and quite comfortable. On Tuesday night we stayed at the Cedar Creek Campground in Missouri. What a coincidence. Thank goodness this campground had great internet service. We had none Monday night. The only problem was that they parked us by the doors to the public bathroom. Next week, I’ll hopefully have more to share.


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