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This Sunday, Faith Memorial Chapel welcomes Bishop L. Jonathan Holston, resident Bishop of the South Carolina Conference of the United Methodist Church. Prior to his election and consecration in July 2012, he served as the Senior Pastor of St. James United Methodist Church in Atlanta. Selections of music this Sunday will be provided by Wayne Bishop. Wayne was born and raised in Cedar Mountain, NC. He went to high school in Brevard and majored in music at Brevard College. He traveled across the country and Canada singing a variety of music for 20 years with his brothers Myron and Lenoir Bishop. They played shows with The Beach Boys, Reba McIntyre, Inspirations, and many others.


Free Introduction to Classical Yoga from 4:00-5:30 pm on Sep 2 and Oct 7:

This is an opportunity to learn simple tools to manage your inertia and stiffness for daily activities and the coming winter.

Monthly Fundraiser Indian dinner with Cultural performances (Signing bowl, Tibetan Art, and Indian dance concert). 5:00-8:15 pm on Sep 17 and Oct 15:

Details or Registration at Contact: or 615-900-4320. Venue for the above services: Lighthouse Chapel at Terra Nova Center on Reasonover Road, Cedar Mountain.


The Cedar Mountain Fire Rescue Department is hosting a fundraiser for needed equipment on Saturday, Sept. 2nd from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the fire station. Bring your family and friends and come for a delicious lunch of burgers or hotdogs. The donations are a hamburger tray for $12.00 or a hot dog tray for $8.00. Chips and drinks are included.


A musical review will wrap up the Sherwood Forest Friends Summer Series on September 9. Al Brothers, Mary Gordon, Lillie Syracuse, and friends will offer Mountain Music: Fireside to Fender featuring extremely talented, 12-year-old Judson Stone on strings. Sing along and tap your toes in time to an eclectic mix of bluegrass, Celtic, blues, and Rock and roll rhythms.

All Summer Series events take place in the Robin Hood Barn (15 Greenwood Lane, Brevard) at 7 p.m. Admission is free. Wine and water will be available for donation beginning at 6:30 p.m. Pack your instrument and plan to join an after-performance jam at The Outpost.; Ph: 828-862-8637;


From 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm Monday, Sept 11th at the Community Center. There will be coleslaw, baked beans, buns, and cookies to go with the wonderful BBQ. Donation is $15.00 for all ages. Takeouts go fast so come early.


An indoor flea market will be held on Saturday, September 16th, from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Cedar Mountain Community Center 10634 Greenville Hwy (276). Please contact Christine Pace at (828) 885-2103 or email to reserve table(s). Set-up is the day before on Friday, September 15th from noon to 3:00 pm. Your table(s) will be held for you for $15 per table. Table proceeds go toward the Community Center’s upkeep. You may mail your check to Christine Pace at 132 Knob Rd. Pisgah Forest, NC 28768. Or bring a check or cash to Christine on September 15th during set-up. If paying by check please make it out to CMCC or Cedar Mountain Community Center. All profits from your sales are yours!

There will be a table for folks who wish to donate good items for sale rather than taking a table for themselves. Please, no smalls unless they are worth something. No exercise equipment and/or TVs, computers, beds, or rusted items will be accepted for the donation table. Unsold items from this table must be taken to a resale shop afterward and most resale shops won’t accept TVs, exercise equipment, etc.

Sellers are responsible for removing their own items and trash upon closing of the flea market. Keep your prices low so you don’t have to take anything back home with you.

The annual community flea market provides a great time to see friends & neighbors & those “just passing through”, while at the same time selling your “treasures” to someone else to love & cherish.


Rocky Hill Baptist Church, our 148-year-old church, celebrated its 94th Homecoming last Sunday! A true “homecoming” brought many families and individuals who at one time attended Rocky Hill church, or had family members that did.

The visiting pastor for this service was Matthew Jones (Christine Pace’s son) who attended Rocky Hill during his middle school & high school years and throughout college until the Army took him to the Iraq war. He brought a moving message on “The Great Commission” that many commented on afterward. Matthew lives in Matthews, NC now where his wife teaches at UNC-Charlotte. Their son just started high school.

Patty Stahl shared the history of homecomings at Rocky Hill from 1929 to the present and showed slides from the early years of the church.

The choir sang “Precious Memories” with Rev. Butch Skerrett as a soloist. The choir was led by Rita (Skerrett) who grew up in Rocky Hill Baptist Church. The music was strong even with a small choir. Special music from visitor Sylvia Tanner and from an oboe-violin-guitar trio brought the house down!

Jeanne Hayes read the names of those who passed away this past year; always to be remembered. A huge covered-dish lunch was held in the Family Life Center following the service and there was “more than enough”.

Mark your calendar for the 4th Sunday in August 2024, and join us next year! Photo of the original church building, and its current look.


It looked like it might rain on the 14 women who showed up for a game of Drop Low/Drop High on the back nine on Monday, but the skies cleared and we got the round in and then enjoyed the rest of the sunny day. Game winner: Nancy Waclawek. Low Net: Carol Mitchell. Low Gross: Louise Stroup. Next week is Labor Day, and we are playing a Best Ball Scramble on the front nine. Important note: We are starting at 10 a.m. Labor Day, Sept. 4, through the end of the season on Oct. 2. Registration at 9:30. Play starts at 10. And because it's the first Monday of the month, we'll gather for lunch after play at the Cedar Mountain Outpost across the street from the course. If you're running late next week, call the course at 828-884-7825 and tell them you're on your way so that the starters can include you on their starter sheet. Enjoy the holiday weekend and see you at the course on Monday - at 9:30 a.m.


Looking for a place to hold a community event? Contact us to schedule your event or meeting. Call Caroline Chambers today at 828-290-9662. The Cedar Mountain Community Center hosts a variety of events for residents and visitors throughout the year. From monthly summer potluck dinners to cooking classes and special events, The Center is a great place to get to know and be a part of, the Cedar Mountain Community. Feel free to stop by and join the community for food, fun, and various events.

AROUND THE HOUSE by Linda Packer Young

We continue to prepare for our road trip to California. We took the Infirmary (motor home) to Appalachian RV Repair in Marian, NC a week ago to make sure everything was in order stem to stern. Good thing we did. As it turned out the A/C was bad and needed to be replaced. Thank goodness it was under our extended warranty. A trustworthy A/C will be needed if the heat wave continues into September. The roof needed sealing as well. An owner can do it, but we aren’t climbing ladders anymore. The sofa (love seat) was fixed so that we could easily open it. Now we don’t need to worry about our elderly cat getting stuck under it. Buddy is amazingly agile for his age but has arthritis in his hips. We worried he might not be able to climb out from behind the sofa eventually.

Note: All news must be sent to Photos need to be high resolution to insure printability. Deadline for the CM News is Monday evening or early Tuesday morning.


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