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The Cedar Mountain Community Center is hosting a fundraiser for the center on Monday, September 11 from 5:30 to 7 p.m. at the community. Bring your family and friends and come for a delicious BBQ supper with BBQ beans, coleslaw, cookie, and a drink. Suggested donation is $15.

There will not be a potluck this month. We are having the BBQ fundraiser in its place


A musical review will wrap up the Sherwood Forest Friends Summer Series on Saturday, September 9. Al Brothers, Mary Gordon, Lillie Syracuse, and friends will offer Mountain Music: Fireside to Fender featuring extremely talented, 12-year-old Judson Stone on strings. Sing along and tap your toes in time to an eclectic mix of bluegrass, Celtic, blues, and Rock and roll rhythms.

All Summer Series events take place in the Robin Hood Barn (15 Greenwood Lane, Brevard) at 7 p.m. Admission is free. Wine and water will be available for donation beginning at 6:30 p.m. Pack your instrument and plan to join an after-performance jam at The Outpost.; Ph: 828-862-8637;


This year marks the 75th anniversary of The Girl Scout Little House in Brevard.

There will be a birthday celebration to mark the occasion on October 14, 2023, from 1 until 4 p.m. All current and former Girl Scouts and volunteers are invited to come to The Little House at 251 Lakeview Drive in Franklin Park. Also, girls and adults who want to join Girl Scouting are welcome to attend to learn about membership opportunities.

There will be refreshments, historical displays, and badge activities for girls, tree planting, and time to share memories. People are encouraged to reach out to fellow troop members for reunions. Some reunions are already underway. In order to ensure that there are adequate refreshments and supplies, we are asking for people to register the number of girls and adults who will be attending at by September 25, 2023. The planning committee urges current, former, and future members to come create new memories.


Eighteen women showed up on Labor Day to play a team game of Step Aside Scramble on the front nine. Winning team: Gloria Clouse, Sandy Gollnick, Elaine Gerwe and Mary Law. We have only four more weeks of league play left. The season has flown by! Join us next Monday when we play the back nine. Registration at 9:30 a.m. Play starts at 10 a.m. If you're running late, call the clubhouse to let the starters know. The clubhouse phone is 828-884-7825. See you Monday!

CHRISTINE’S CORNER by Christine Pace


The annual Community Flea Market will be held indoors at the Cedar Mountain Community Center on Saturday, September 16th. Doors open to the public at 8:00 am with some last-minute bargains expected between 12:30-1:00 pm when we close. There are a few tables left, so if you need one (or 2) reserved for your “treasures” call me soon, at (828)885-2103. You may also email me at:

Tables are $15.00 each. Table rental fees benefit the Cedar Mountain Community Center. You can pay by cash or check during set-up. Tables must be reserved in advance. “We have an opportunity to set up the day before the sale; I’ll give you details when you call.” Please leave a message with your name & number if you don’t get an answer. I am working overtime right now until they hire new workers.


As usual, there will be a “Donation Table” at the Flea Market, where folks like you have donated an item simply to benefit the Community Center. I will be at the Community Center from 10 am to noon on Friday, Sept. 15th to set up tables (helpers are welcome!) and you’re invited to bring your donated item(s) then. If you need a later drop-off time that day please let me know: (828)885-2103. Thank you for your support!

School has started back; public pools have closed following Labor Day, as has the Faith Memorial Chapel. This signifies to me the beginning of the end of summer. Big changes. September 23rd is the official first day of Fall, though October is known as “fall” to many, as that’s the time leaves fall from trees. This year’s peak leaf-viewing season is predicted to be the week after mid-October through early November. That depends on your elevation and other factors. Either way, I enjoy the early yellows and the late hangers-on.

December 21st is the first day of winter! And as of Thursday, Sept. 7th, when this column comes out in the Transylvania Times newspaper, there are only 109 days until Christmas! We have Halloween, Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, and Christmas in the next 3 months. Whether you celebrate any or all of these holidays know that the best “gift” we have is being a part of this community. I celebrate you!


Looking for a place to hold a community event? Contact us to schedule your event or meeting. Call Caroline Chambers today at 828-290-9662. The Cedar Mountain Community Center hosts a variety of events for residents and visitors throughout the year. From monthly summer potluck dinners to cooking classes and special events, The Center is a great place to get to know and be a part of, the Cedar Mountain Community. Feel free to stop by and join the community for food, fun, and various events.

AROUND THE HOUSE by Linda Packer Young

Westward HO starting Sunday! We are taking care of last-minute details before departure. Upon checking supplies I found that the Infirmary (motor home) is/ was hosting some squeaky visitors. One whole roll of toilet paper had been shredded and they were starting on another. Then I found shredded Kleenex in two other places. Busy, busy. My honey went after some sticky traps. They work better than the snap traps. Hopefully, by tomorrow we see some results.

The next CM news will originate from somewhere Out West. I will share some highlights of our adventures as we go. Pray to the powers that be that it is a safe, hazardless trek and that Mother Nature smiles on us. (And everyone else)

Note: All news must be sent to Photos need to be high resolution to ensure printability. The deadline for the CM News is Monday evening or early Tuesday morning.


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