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League results for April 24th. Monday was a beautiful morning for golf and 20 women played the front nine in a team game of Two Best Scores for each hole. Winning team: Nancy Waclawek, Karen Gleasman, Ida Smith and Sandy Gollnick. Low net: Louise Stroup. Low gross: Karen Gleasman. Next week we start an hour earlier, so mark your calendars and don't be late. Registration is at 8:30 and we start playing at 9. Set your alarm and some out and join us in hitting the little white ball around the back nine.


Our next potluck will be held Monday, May 8th. You are asked to please have your dish to share on the serving tables by 6:15 pm so everything is ready to go by 6:30 pm


Following our potluck, Geologist, Quintin Overocker, of Brevard College will discuss the geology of our area and the Brevard Fault. He won’t focus exclusively on the Brevard Fault but intends to discuss the Geology of the Southern Appalachians and Caesar's Head area.

Mr. Overocker earned his BS in Geology from Western Illinois University and MS in Geology from the University of Tennessee. After college, he was a Grade Control Geologist at the Stillwater Mine in Montana, the only platinum and palladium mine in the United States. Currently, he is currently the Registrar and adjunct Geology instructor at Brevard College.

Items to share at the potluck need to be on the serving tables by 6:15 pm so that serving can begin promptly ad 6:30 pm. The presentation will begin at about 7 p.m.

CHRISTINE’S CORNER by Christine Pace

I had Covid-19! On April 18th my 1st symptoms hit. This was my first time catching this dreaded disease. I assure you that by reading this there is no chance of you catching it from me.

It surprised me how weak I became and how long it lasted; I’m used to bouncing back a bit quicker than this.

Too many of you have already gone through having your own version of Covid, and I’m so sorry if you had a difficult time recuperating. Here’s hoping none of us catches it again, and if you do please stay home. I did! For me that was really hard. Coming off my seasonal job at H & R Block I went from warp speed to zero in one day, which in my case meant I missed my last day of work as April 18th was this year’s tax deadline. And it just so happened that the 2 weeks prior working for the ‘Block had me driving to one of their Asheville offices in the morning (9am-3pm) then to the Pisgah Forest office to close, from 5pm to 9pm.

Catching Covid not only stopped me in my tracks it halted my plans to start applying for a new part-time desk job. So if you hear of anything coming open please let me know!

Even during my illness a funny Story developed: The 2nd night after my initial diagnosis, when I was desperately trying to sleep through my body-wracking pains, we had a thunderstorm about 4 am. Unfortunately my oldest pup “Jack” is terrified of thunderstorms! During storms Jack will do everything he can to escape his crate by clawing, with the danger of tearing a nail or two. Before I could stagger to his crate he had snagged an old 3-ply afghan partially into his crate through the metal front panel. The afghan covers half of his & BoBo’s crates at night. (This time I was unable to pull it back through!) After getting Jack’s crate door open I gave him some CBD oil to help calm him, then opened the other 2 crates and left all 3 pups loose, with the TV on a “Dog Calming Music” station. I went back to bed, knowing all 3 pups would pile up together right outside my (closed) bedroom door. I couldn’t let them in bed with me this time: Jack would want to burrow into me for protection from the storm, Rockefeller would want to play, and BoBo would end up growling at Rockefeller for disturbing the peace. Thank goodness the storm was over by daylight! Later that day I wrangled Jack’s door off his crate, carried it to the living room, and sat down with scissors, clippers, and a serrated knife and worked on releasing the afghan from the door.

One thing leads to another and, once the bulk of the afghan was free, all these little snippets remained, all over the floor! I had no choice: I had to vacuum. Did you know you can lean on walls when vacuuming? The hallway was the best. Upon finishing that I wound up the vacuum cord which must have grown 10 feet longer since I last time I wound it up!

One of the first things suggested to me upon learning of my illness was “Keep moving as much as you can so you don’t develop pneumonia”. I have pets; ‘nuff said.


We’ve paid for Amazon Prime for many years, but never got into it. Our friend, Cindy Meffert, came over and got us all set up on our TV. It was a challenge finding the original remote, but once found she went to work on it. It required a call to Comporium but we still weren’t able to get Amazon. We are hooked up to Netflix and YouTube though. I love YouTube. It came in quite handy when we applied our “The Infirmary” decal on our Motor home. (pic) I watched several different “how to” versions on YouTube and it turned out perfectly. The Infirmary is so named for the two elderly “infirm” couple who thought it was a good idea to buy one.


My honey is fervently planning our trip to California in the fall. We only want to drive 300 miles a day or less so we have to trace the road map until we find a place within that distance to make camp. It’s been tedious but we now have a list of campgrounds to call. We will be taking Interstate 80 going out and Interstate 40 coming back. My honey has never been out west and is looking forward to seeing the Grand Canyon and Yosemite (as am I) along with as many other attractions we can get to.

In the meantime, we are also planning two fishing trips - one to Georgia and the other to Wisconsin. When my kids were young we had a permanent campsite on a lake in Wisconsin that I have wanted to revisit for the last 45 years or so.


The Cedar Mountain News is here to ensure you know what is happening in the neighborhood and elsewhere in the area. Thank you for reading it. Your input is welcomed and encouraged.

Please send all photos and/or news and announcements to Photos need to be close to 900 kb or better for publication in the news. The deadline for submissions is Monday night or early Tuesday.


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